Quarterly Tasks: 90-Day View
Each member of President's Cabinet maintains a task list that is updated on a quarterly basis. Tasks tie to both strategic pillars and key performance indicators. To view a task list, please use the tabs on the right of the page to navigate by name. Tasks are grouped according to pillars but may be filtered by quarter, as well. To filter tasks by quarter, click the filter icon () and choose a given quarter or all. Tabs can also be used to navigate to the Senior Leadership Scorecards or Performance Excellence Website.
Quarterly Task List Overview
Q3 | January - March
University Tasks by Strategic Pillar
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University Tasks by Status
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University Tasks by Cabinet Member
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Quarterly Tasks by Status
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Strategic Pillar | Key Performance Indicator | Task | Status | Quarter | Expected Completion Date |
Assessment |
Student Success | Student Success - Fall/Spring 2023-24 optimize scheduling continue through start of terms using new analytics. Initiate Spring 2024 schedule development optimizations, review Fall 2023 schedule. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Academic Success will assess zero courses, low enrolled courses and workload as benchmarks for changes to scheduling practices. | |
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
VPAA/VPR web site review and revision - Communications Review Academic Affairs web site content and assess for market based content. New content for Innovation, Adult learning, career service and faculty development. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | VPAA communications will continue to upgrade the web page content to meet target populations and optimize analytics working with M&C and college web developers. | |
Teaching and Research | Grant Activity Using our Workload policy engage chairs on new NSF HERDS/USG expectations for Academic Year 2023-24 |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Finalize grant activity report and integrate with workload analysis | |
Operational Efficiency | FY 24 budget implementation - Hiring planning. FY 24 budget implementation - Plan for future budget realignments and review vacant lines, push out searches. |
Completed | Q1 | 08/31/2023 | FY 24 college hiring planning, planning for Fall 2024 implementation and start (FY25) budget reviews | |
Student Success | Online Degree Offerings - Office of Online Education Build out the independent Office of Online Education: Continue to ID new fully online degrees (ID priority programs) to include ATF recommendations and AA/AS concentrations. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Solicit program and faculty input to determine where we can increase the total number of fully online degrees. | |
Teaching and Research | Global Engagement Engage the new new global engagement strategic plan - expanded regional focal areas |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Continued implementation of Global engagement planning for Spring 24 and Summer 24 terms. | |
Teaching and Research | Implementation teams for Armstrong Task Force Mid- and long-term goals Armstrong Task Force: Implement the 6-8 recommendations for short term expansion by Fall 2023 and identify the mid-term programs for development. Establish the parameters for long-term identity branding and expansion. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Monitor implementation of phase 1 and build out of phase 2 | |
Community Engagement | Community Engagement committee planning - AVP Delana Nivens will start assessments and build implementation plan etc. Implement established plan to inventory activities and asses impact. Develop outline for proposal for submission. |
In Progress | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Plan forward developed. Implementation of activities to be initiated. Survey results due by October. Use results to start report. | |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Wexford Program Development Expand the number of students, faculty and programs engaged at the Wexford learning center. Development of online/site synchronous programming. Work with Wexford council on housing project, work with SETU on dual degrees and experiential learning for students. Expand discussions with GreenHQ on program development for sustainable construction initiative. Meetings with SETU president etc in spring term |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Number of programs etc. developed by faculty. Reestablish program dates and do an on-sight review etc.. Support housing project. Planning for September meeting with SETU President and Provost. | |
Operational Efficiency | Review historic course enrollment data to inform Fall and Spring scheduling with a focus on core courses and enrollment trends for Spring, Summer and Fall 2024 with appropriate workloads. Enrollment - Maximize Head count, student credit hours and scheduling efficiency. Expand use of Ad Astra data and develop chair/Associate Dean/Dean workshops to inform and modify practices etc. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Authoritative Source data for HC, SCH, historic trends, workloads and other metrics: develop best practice scheduling documents. | |
Teaching and Research | Comprehensive Curricular Review and Revision Year 3 -4 CCRR. Integrate with USG new policy on new program proposals and program review. Transition to Office of Program Efficiency? |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Number of programs completing CCRR and number of new programs engaged in program. | |
Teaching and Research | Faculty Center development Faculty Center Director will refine the established strategic plan and and begin the development of the professional development leg and affirm teaching excellence. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Faculty Center Director has been hired and will refine the strategic plan in coordination with Dr. Gatch and Dr. Anderson . | |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence |
Future Leadership 1) Vice President for Research and Economic Development: Search firm contracted, convene search committee, develop text for profile and advertisement. 2) Dean of the Graduate College: Engage a search firm |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Support the search committees as they identify and review potential candidates for interview in late fall early spring. Successful hire of new leadership. | |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
CAREERS Pathways and Integration Develop and expand Office of Career and Professional Development with full integration into all collages, Eagle Experience, Marketing and recruiting activities. QEP review team process. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Implement the CAREERS strategic plan with academic affairs, recruiting, alumni and student affairs as well as full integration with colleges etc. Develop assessment tools etc. Socialize QEP process with stakeholders | |
Teaching and Research | Office of Innovation and Adult Learning Establish the new Office and expanded Office of Online Education becoming independent of the Faculty Center. Expand Online offerings |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Under the New Office of Innovative Initiatives continue to develop, support and expand the Office of Online Education. | |
Student Success | Degrees Conferred (Undergraduate & Graduate) FY: | Academic Affairs Efficiency Transition Dr. Anderson office to Office of Academic Efficiency etc. |
In Progress | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Establish new office and responsibilities. |
Student Success | Student Credit Hours by AY: |
Student Success - Summer/Fall 2024 optimize scheduling practices continue through start of terms using new analytics. Initiate Summer and Fall 2024 schedule development optimizations, review 2024 schedules for workload alignment and P/T/Overload/Visiting budgets. |
In Progress | Q3 | 06/30/2024 | Academic Success will assess zero courses, low enrolled courses and workload as benchmarks for changes to scheduling practices. |
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Institutional Campus Climate Survey (progression) |
VPAA/ VPR web site review and revision - Communications VPAA web site has been upgraded to new standards, continue to review and update as needed - Brand alignment and separation of new VPRED unit content. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | VPAA/VPRED communications will continue to upgrade the web page content to meet target populations and optimize analytics working with M&C and college web developers. |
Teaching and Research | Grant Activity (Number of Funded Proposals) | Grant Activity Using our Workload policy engage chairs on new NSF HERDS/USG expectations for Academic Year 2024. |
In Progress | Q3 | 06/20/2024 | Finalize grant activity report and integrate with workload analysis |
Operational Efficiency | Institutional Campus Climate Survey (progression) |
FY25 budget implementation - Hiring planning etc. FY 25 budget implementation and planning - Plan for future budget realignments and review vacant lines |
In Progress | Q3 | 06/30/2024 | FY 25 college hiring planning and planning for Fall 2024 budget reviews |
Student Success | Student Credit Hours by AY: |
Online Degree Offerings - Office of Online Education Build out the independent Office of Online Education: Continue to ID new fully online degrees (ID priority programs) to include focus on adult education etc. and BIS. |
In Progress | Q3 | 06/30/2024 | New programs in the BIS, CPE and program and in alignment with the SEP and faculty input increase the total number of fully online degrees. |
Community Engagement | Institutional Campus Climate Survey (progression) |
Community Engagement committee planning - AVP Delana Nivens appointed and will start assessments etc. Implement established plan to inventory activities and asses impact. Develop outline for proposal for submission. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Plan forward developed. Implementation of activities to be initiated. Survey results due by March. Use results to start report. |
Operational Efficiency | Freshmen Retention (IPEDS) | Eagle Experience - Fall 2024 SOAR & Event Attendance etc - Maximize Evolve Eagle Experience and Optimize Fall 2024 SOAR to build on success AND integrate Career and Professional Development activities. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Eagle Experience has ben a tremendous success continue to build on that success. Fully integrate Career and Professional Development services into the SOAR, FYE and SYE experience. |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Student Credit Hours by AY: |
Wexford Program Development Expand the number of students, faculty and programs engaged at the Wexford learning center. Development of online/site synchronous programming. Work with Wexford council on housing project, work with SETU on dual degrees and experiential learning for students. Expand discussions with local entities fuch as GreenHQ on program development for sustainable construction initiative. Meetings with SETU president etc in spring term |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Number of programs etc. developed by faculty. Reestablish program dates and do an on-sight review etc.. Support housing project. Planning for May meeting with SETU President and Provost. |
Operational Efficiency | Student Credit Hours by AY: |
Review historic course enrollment data to inform Fall and Spring scheduling with a focus on core courses and enrollment trends for Summer and Fall 2024 with appropriate workloads. Enrollment - Maximize Head count, student credit hours and scheduling efficiency. Expand use of scheduling analytics/data and develop chair/Associate Dean/Dean workshops to inform and modify practices etc. |
In Progress | Q3 | 06/30/2024 | Authoritative Source data for HC, SCH, historic trends, workloads and other metrics: develop best practice scheduling documents. |
Teaching and Research | Institutional Campus Climate Survey (progression) |
Comprehensive Curricular Review and Revision Year 3 - 4 CCRR. Integrate with USG new policy on new program proposals and program review. |
In Progress | Q3 | 06/30/2024 | Number of programs completing CCRR and number of new programs engaged in program. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence |
Institutional Campus Climate Survey (progression) |
Future Leadership Dean and chair searches - COE Dean search completed |
Completed | Q3 | 05/30/2024 | Continue to support the search committee as they identify and review potential dean candidates for interview in spring for a target hire dates. |
Student Success | Student Success - Fall/Spring 2023-24 optimize scheduling continue through start of terms using new analytics. Initiate Spring 2024 schedule development optimizations, review Fall 2023 schedule. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/30/2023 | Academic Success will assess zero courses, low enrolled courses and workload as benchmarks for changes to scheduling practices. | |
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
VPAA/VPR web site review and revision - Communications Review Academic Affairs web site content and assess for market based content. New content for Innovation, Adult learning, career service and faculty development. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/30/2023 | VPAA communications will continue to upgrade the web page content to meet target populations and optimize analytics working with M&C and college web developers. | |
Teaching and Research | Grant Activity Using our Workload policy engage chairs on new NSF HERDS/USG expectations for Academic Year 2023-24 |
Completed | Q2 | 12/30/2023 | Finalize grant activity report and integrate with workload analysis | |
Operational Efficiency | FY 24 budget implementation - Hiring planning. FY 24 budget implementation - Plan for future budget realignments and review vacant lines, push out searches. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | FY 24 college hiring planning, planning for Fall 2024 implementation and start (FY25) budget reviews | |
Student Success | Online Degree Offerings - Office of Online Education Build out the independent Office of Online Education: Continue to ID new fully online degrees (ID priority programs) to include ATF recommendations and AA/AS concentrations. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/30/2023 | Solicit program and faculty input to determine where we can increase the total number of fully online degrees. | |
Teaching and Research | Global Engagement Engage the new new global engagement strategic plan - expanded regional focal areas |
Completed | Q2 | 12/30/2023 | Continued implementation of Global engagement planning for Spring 24 and Summer 24 terms. | |
Teaching and Research | Implementation teams for Armstrong Task Force Mid- and long-term goals Armstrong Task Force: Implement the 6-8 recommendations for short term expansion by Fall 2023 and identify the mid-term programs for development. Establish the parameters for long-term identity branding and expansion. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/30/2023 | Monitor implementation of phase 1 and build out of phase 2 | |
Community Engagement | Community Engagement committee planning - AVP Delana Nivens will start assessments and build implementation plan etc. Implement established plan to inventory activities and asses impact. Develop outline for proposal for submission. |
Completed | Q2 | 03/30/2024 | Plan forward developed. Implementation of activities to be initiated. Survey results due by October. Use results to start report. | |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Wexford Program Development Expand the number of students, faculty and programs engaged at the Wexford learning center. Development of online/site synchronous programming. Work with Wexford council on housing project, work with SETU on dual degrees and experiential learning for students. Expand discussions with GreenHQ on program development for sustainable construction initiative. Meetings with SETU president etc in spring term |
Completed | Q2 | 12/30/2023 | Number of programs etc. developed by faculty. Reestablish program dates and do an on-sight review etc.. Support housing project. Planning for September meeting with SETU President and Provost. | |
Teaching and Research | Comprehensive Curricular Review and Revision Year 3 -4 CCRR. Integrate with USG new policy on new program proposals and program review. Transition to Office of Program Efficiency? |
Completed | Q2 | 03/30/2024 | Number of programs completing CCRR and number of new programs engaged in program. | |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
CAREERS Pathways and Integration Develop and expand Office of Career and Professional Development with full integration into all collages, Eagle Experience, Marketing and recruiting activities. QEP review team process. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/30/2023 | Implement the CAREERS strategic plan with academic affairs, recruiting, alumni and student affairs as well as full integration with colleges etc. Develop assessment tools etc. Socialize QEP process with stakeholders | |
Teaching and Research | Office of Innovation and Adult Learning Establish the new Office and expanded Office of Online Education becoming independent of the Faculty Center. Expand Online offerings |
Completed | Q2 | 12/30/2023 | Under the New Office of Innovative Initiatives continue to develop, support and expand the Office of Online Education. | |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Student Success - Career Readiness: Average annual salary 1, 5, and 10 years post bachelor degree graduation (Georgia Degrees Pay) - current benchmark: 1 year - $36,103; 5 year - $48,209; 10 year - $55,564 |
CAREERS Pathways and Integration Develop and expand Office of Career and Professional Development with full integration into all collages, Eagle Experience, Marketing and recruiting activities. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Implement the CAREERS strategic plan with academic affairs, recruiting, alumni and student affairs as well as full integration with colleges etc. Develop assessment tools etc. SACSCOC QEP document completed. |
Teaching and Research | Grant Activity (Number of Funded Proposals) | VPRED Office Transition Planning for new VPRED and independent office, budget etc. |
In Progress | Q3 | 06/30/2024 | Under the New VPRED Office separate budgets and personnel lines etc.. |
Student Success | Student Credit Hours by AY: |
Student Success - Summer/Fall 2024 optimize scheduling practices continue through start of terms using new analytics. Initiate Summer and Fall 2024 schedule development optimizations, review 2024 schedules for workload alignment and P/T/Overload/Visiting budgets. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Academic Success will assess zero courses, low enrolled courses and workload as benchmarks for changes to scheduling practices. |
Teaching and Research | Grant Activity (Number of Funded Proposals) | Grant Activity Using our Workload policy engage chairs on new NSF HERDS/USG expectations for Academic Year 2024. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/20/2024 | Finalize grant activity report and integrate with workload analysis |
Operational Efficiency | Institutional Campus Climate Survey (progression) |
FY25 budget implementation - Hiring planning etc. FY 25 budget implementation and planning - Plan for future budget realignments and review vacant lines |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | FY 25 college hiring planning and planning for Fall 2024 budget reviews |
Student Success | Student Credit Hours by AY: |
Online Degree Offerings - Office of Online Education Build out the independent Office of Online Education: Continue to ID new fully online degrees (ID priority programs) to include focus on adult education etc. and BIS. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | New programs in the BIS, CPE and program and in alignment with the ATF and faculty input increase the total number of fully online degrees. |
Community Engagement | Institutional Campus Climate Survey (progression) |
Community Engagement committee planning - AVP Delana Nivens appointed and will start assessments etc. Implement established plan to inventory activities and asses impact. Develop outline for proposal for submission. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Plan forward developed. Implementation of activities to be initiated. Survey results due by March. Use results to start report. |
Operational Efficiency | Freshmen Retention (IPEDS) | Eagle Experience - Fall 2024 SOAR & Event Attendance etc - Maximize Evolve Eagle Experience and Optimize Fall 2024 SOAR to build on success AND integrate Career and Professional Development activities. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Eagle Experience has ben a tremendous success continue to build on that success. Fully integrate Career and Professional Development services into the SOAR, FYE and SYE experience. |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Student Credit Hours by AY: |
Wexford Program Development Expand the number of students, faculty and programs engaged at the Wexford learning center. Development of online/site synchronous programming. Work with Wexford council on housing project, work with SETU on dual degrees and experiential learning for students. Expand discussions with local entities fuch as GreenHQ on program development for sustainable construction initiative. Meetings with SETU president etc in spring term |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Number of programs etc. developed by faculty. Reestablish program dates and do an on-sight review etc.. Support housing project. Planning for May meeting with SETU President and Provost. |
Teaching and Research | Institutional Campus Climate Survey (progression) |
Comprehensive Curricular Review and Revision Year 4 - 5 CCRR. Integrate with USG new policy on new program proposals and program review. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Number of programs completing CCRR and number of new programs engaged in program. |
Operational Efficiency | Student Credit Hours by AY: |
Review historic course enrollment data to inform Fall and Spring scheduling with a focus on core courses and enrollment trends for Summer and Fall 2024 with appropriate workloads. Enrollment - Maximize Head count, student credit hours and scheduling efficiency. Expand use of scheduling analytics/data and develop chair/Associate Dean/Dean workshops to inform and modify practices etc. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Authoritative Source data for HC, SCH, historic trends, workloads and other metrics: develop best practice scheduling documents. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence |
Institutional Campus Climate Survey (progression) |
Future Leadership Dean and chair searches - WCHP Dean search - initiate |
Completed | Q4 | 12/31/2024 | Continue to support the search committee as they identify and review potential dean candidates for interview in spring for a target hire dates. |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Student Success - Career Readiness: Average annual salary 1, 5, and 10 years post bachelor degree graduation (Georgia Degrees Pay) - current benchmark: 1 year - $36,103; 5 year - $48,209; 10 year - $55,564 |
CAREERS Pathways and Integration Develop and expand Office of Career and Professional Development with full integration into all collages, QEP, Eagle Experience, Marketing and recruiting activities. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Implement the CAREERS strategic plan with academic affairs, Finalize QEP, recruiting, alumni and student affairs as well as full integration with colleges etc. Develop assessment tools etc. SACSCOC QEP document completed. |
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Strategic Pillar | Key Performance Indicator | Task | Status | Quarter | Expected Completion Date |
Assessment |
Teaching and Research | Compliance Education Number of Education Workshops for Coaches & Staff |
Compliance Staff Meetings Reoccurring meetings between the Compliance Office and coaches/staff. |
Completed | Q1 | 06/30/2024 | Will occur monthly with the exception of June and July. Fourth year of these meetings. |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Academic Achievement Departmental cumulative GPA over 3.2 |
Recurring Academic Success Meetings with Coaching Staff Academic Plans for At-Risk Students: Will create plans for student-athletes that will enroll as mid-year transfers and also make sure all other underprepared athletes have academic plans for the Spring 2023 semester. Implement a third learning specialist to increase number of students in learning support by 50% Individual team meetings will be scheduled with each team during the first two weeks of the semester to ensure that academic and compliance updates and expectations are covered with all athletes. |
In Progress | Q1 | 06/30/2024 | This task will be administered throughout the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Community Engagement |
Leadership, Life Skills, and Mental Health Development Attendance and participation in all APEX events for all sports |
Implementation of APEX Programming Implementation of new and recurring APEX program initiatives that will enhance the student-athlete experience and provide experiential learning opportunities. Q1 initiatives include: Athlete Network (ongoing), APEX Fall Curriculum, Athlete Brand Management and NIL Collective programming implementation, Feed the Boro (Fall), Team Impact Initiative (Football), and Extra Yard for Teachers. |
In Progress | Q1 | 06/30/2024 | APEX programming will be adjusted each quarter through the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Community Engagement |
Total number of community outreach hours for student-athletes | Enhanced Community Service Engagement and SAAC Participation Creation of Summer and Fall community events list - consisting of required and optional event attendance. Organize community service projects and events initiated through the execution of a year long community service calendar created by SAAC which has yielded over 12,000 community service hours performed (FY23). Initiatives: Feed the Boro, Bulloch Read in elementary schools, and Eagle Ambassadors. |
In Progress | Q1 | 06/30/2024 | Programming will be implemented for the entirety of the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Revenue Generation and Fundraising Campaigns Q1 goals and task for the Athletic Foundation: 200 donor visits from the Athletic Foundation; Athletic Foundation donor trips to Atlanta, Savannah, and Jacksonville; heavy engagement and visits in these regions during gift officer trips; build momentum and secure major gifts for the J.I. Clements Baseball Facility project; heavy engagement of baseball alumni list; continue major gift fundraising for our other current capital projects and the Competitive Excellence Fund and premium seating renewals for football. |
In Progress | Q1 | 06/30/2024 | These tasks will be assessed quarterly throughout the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Leadership, Life Skills, and Mental Health Development Attendance and participation in all APEX events for all sports |
Departmental Initiatives for Q1 Departmental Sports Medicine/Title IX initiatives for Q1: Title IX review has been completed and will be reviewed for any necessary changes this next semester; Administer physicals on all new student-athletes, concussion baselines on all student-athletes; start billing for medical services again; new contract will resume revenue-generating efforts; start back the Sexual Violence Prevention curriculum; resume NCAA mandated education on health modules, substance abuse and alcohol; resume back mental health education. |
In Progress | Q1 | 06/30/2024 | These tasks will be assessed prior to June 30. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Competitive Success Final ranking in the annual Learfield Cup Standings. |
Facility Project Enchancements Continue construction work on the Anthony P. Tippins Family Practice Facility (July/August completion) and Jack and Ruth Ann Hill Convocation Center. Also continue master planning process for Paulson Stadium. |
In Progress | Q1 | 06/30/2024 | These tasks will be assessed and updated accordingly throughout the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Finalize Strategic Planning for Hosting Football Games at Paulson Stadium Review and adjust (as necessary) standard operating procedures for the 2023 football season. Implement new fan-friendly initiatives. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | First home football game is on Sept. 2. |
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Ticket Renewals for Men's and Women's Basketball General interest and exceed season ticket sales from previous seasons. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Final numbers to be finalized prior to exhibition games tentatively scheduled for the end of October. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Business Office Initiatives Q1 Tasks/Initiatives: Hold Breakfast with the Business Office for Athletic Department staff to review overall FY2024 budget information and reminders on important purchasing & travel policies; Q1 FY2024 Budget Meetings with all sports & departments; review FY2024 budgets and understand plans to fit within the allocated budget; create bi-weekly reports to review revenues and expenses across the department for more frequent check-ins and identification of trends, issues, etc. |
In Progress | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Will be assessed each quarter through FY24. |
Teaching and Research | Compliance Education Number of Education Workshops for Coaches & Staff |
Compliance Staff Meetings Reoccurring meetings between the Compliance Office and coaches/staff. |
In Progress | Q2 | 06/30/2024 | Will occur monthly with the exception of June and July. Fourth year of these meetings. |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Academic Achievement Departmental cumulative GPA over 3.2 |
Recurring Academic Success Meetings with Coaching Staff Academic Plans for At-Risk Students: Will create plans for student-athletes that will enroll as mid-year transfers and also make sure all other underprepared athletes have academic plans for the Spring 2023 semester. Implement a third learning specialist to increase number of students in learning support by 50% Complete academic recover plans for all students below a 2.5 on file in our Google Drive. |
In Progress | Q2 | 06/30/2024 | This task will be administered throughout the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Community Engagement |
Leadership, Life Skills, and Mental Health Development Attendance and participation in all APEX events for all sports |
Implementation of APEX Programming Implementation of new and recurring APEX program initiatives that will enhance the student-athlete experience and provide experiential learning opportunities. Q2 initiatives include: Athlete Network (ongoing); APEX Fall Curriculum: Taxes 101, Emergency Car Care, Personal Branding, Networking Night, Financial Literacy, Athlete Brand Management, NIL Collective and Opendorse programming implementation; Community Impact Project: Feed the Boro (Fall); and Entrepreneurship programming. |
In Progress | Q2 | 06/30/2024 | APEX programming will be adjusted each quarter through the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Community Engagement |
Total number of community outreach hours for student-athletes | Enhanced Community Service Engagement and SAAC Participation Creation of Summer and Fall community events list - consisting of required and optional event attendance. Organize community service projects and events initiated through the execution of a year long community service calendar created by SAAC which has yielded over 12,000 community service hours performed (FY23). Q2 initiatives: Football Community Service Project Oct. 5-6 (202 hours performed), Feed the Boro (Fall program), Parents Night Out, and Food Drive (Statesboro Food Bank). |
In Progress | Q2 | 06/30/2024 | Programming will be implemented for the entirety of the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Revenue Generation and Fundraising Campaigns Q2 goals and task for the Athletic Foundation: 250 donor visits and minimum of 16 closed gifts from the Athletic Foundation; continue solicitations for major gifts for the J.I. Clements Baseball Facility project; continue major gift fundraising for our other current capital projects and the Competitive Excellence Fund. |
In Progress | Q2 | 06/30/2024 | These tasks will be assessed quarterly throughout the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Leadership, Life Skills, and Mental Health Development Attendance and participation in all APEX events for all sports |
Departmental Initiatives for Q2 Departmental Sports Medicine/Title IX initiatives for Q2: Title IX review has been completed and will be reviewed for any necessary changes this next semester; Continue concussion baselines on all student-athletes; resume revenue-generating efforts; continue Sexual Violence Prevention curriculum; NCAA mandated education on health modules, substance abuse and alcohol; continue mental health education. |
In Progress | Q2 | 06/30/2024 | These tasks will be assessed prior to June 30. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Competitive Success Final ranking in the annual Learfield Cup Standings. |
Facility Project Enchancements Continue construction work on the Jack and Ruth Ann Hill Convocation Center. |
In Progress | Q2 | 06/30/2024 | These tasks will be assessed and updated accordingly throughout the 2023-24 academic year. |
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Ticket Renewals for Men's and Women's Basketball Generate interest and exceed season ticket sales from previous seasons. |
Completed | Q2 | 10/01/2023 | Final numbers to be finalized prior to exhibition games tentatively scheduled for the end of October. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Business Office Initiatives Q2 Tasks/Initiatives: Hold Breakfast with the Business Office for Athletic Department staff to review overall FY2024 budget information and reminders on important purchasing & travel policies; FY2024 Budget Meetings with all sports & departments; review FY2024 budgets and understand plans to fit within the allocated budget; create bi-weekly reports to review revenues and expenses across the department for more frequent check-ins and identification of trends, issues, etc. Compute and submit annual EADA financial survey. |
In Progress | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Will be assessed each quarter through FY24. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Major Gift Revenue Total amount of signed gifts |
Competitive Excellence Campaign Disseminate current and new messaging on the importance of the Competitive Excellence Fund and the continued efforts to both retain and recruit elite coaches and staff. |
In Progress | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | This task will be assessed during Q2 and revisited for outbound quarters. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Georgia Southern Second annual "In the Round" fundraiser on Nov. 17 with funds to be directed to the J.I. Clements Stadium renovation project. |
Completed | Q2 | 11/17/2023 | Event will occur on Nov. 17 with financial reconciliation following the fundraiser. |
Teaching and Research | Compliance Education Number of Education Workshops for Coaches & Staff |
Compliance Staff Meetings Reoccurring meetings between the Compliance Office and coaches/staff. |
In Progress | Q3 | 06/30/2024 | Will occur monthly with the exception of June and July. Fourth year of these meetings. Additional Q3 tasks: Update and modernize compliance related functions (better utilization of ARMs, monitoring processes, new coaches on-boarding process, recruiting reimbursements, etc.); integrate ARMS and Banner/Academics to pull student-athlete academic information automatically into student profiles within ARMs; enhance tracking systems of incoming student-athletes and create more timely notifications for key stakeholders involved with incoming students. |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Academic Achievement Departmental cumulative GPA over 3.2 |
Student-Athlete Services Strategic Initiatives Academic Plans for At-Risk Students: Will create plans for student-athletes that will enroll as mid-year transfers and also make sure all other underprepared athletes have academic plans for the Spring 2024 semester. Implement a third learning specialist to increase number of students in learning support by 50% Q3 tasks: complete academic recover plans for all students below a 2.5 on file in our Google Drive; create and implement a system to properly place non-football students into the learning specialist caseload; collaborate with campus to learn how to better work with/assist students with learning disabilities to train our learning specialists; and build our summer FYE course to focus more on skill building, utilizing staff members from multiple departments on campus to guest speak. |
Completed | Q3 | 06/30/2024 | This task will be administered throughout the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Community Engagement |
Leadership, Life Skills, and Mental Health Development Attendance and participation in all APEX events for all sports |
Execution of APEX Programming Implementation of new and recurring APEX program initiatives that will enhance the student-athlete experience and provide experiential learning opportunities. Q3 initiatives include: Athlete Network (ongoing), Community Impact Project partnership with Feed the Boro; partnership with campus OFCS for APEX Networking Night; APEX Spring Curriculum; Declare Your Major Day; continued partnership with ABM for enhanced NIL Education and APEX internal/external internship program. Implementation of Spring programming list consisting of required and optional event attendance. Participate in community service projects and events initiated through the execution of the year-long community service calendar created by SAAC which has yielded 5,000 community service hours performed since July 1. Other initiatives: Feed the Boro, Reading Awareness Bulloch Co. Elementary Schools |
In Progress | Q3 | 06/30/2024 | APEX programming will be adjusted each quarter through the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Community Engagement |
Total number of community outreach hours for student-athletes | Enhanced Community Service Engagement and SAAC Participation Creation of Summer and Fall community events list - consisting of required and optional event attendance. Organize community service projects and events initiated through the execution of a year long community service calendar created by SAAC which has yielded over 12,000 community service hours performed (FY23). Q3 initiatives: Feed the Boro (Feb. 3), Georgia Southern Hosting Sun Belt Conference Winter SAAC meetings on campus Jan. 4-6. |
In Progress | Q3 | 06/30/2024 | Programming will be implemented for the entirety of the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Revenue Generation and Fundraising Campaigns Q3 goals and task for the Athletic Foundation: 125 donor visits, close 12 major gifts. Continue raising support for the J.I. Clements renovation project as well as the Competitive Excellence Fund and the Football Agency account. Host "Evening with the All Stars" event on Feb. 2 to raise funds to support the baseball program. Additionally, finalize the planning of Eagle Club meetings. |
In Progress | Q3 | 06/30/2024 | These tasks will be assessed quarterly throughout the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Leadership, Life Skills, and Mental Health Development Attendance and participation in all APEX events for all sports |
Departmental Initiatives for Q3 Departmental Sports Medicine/Title IX initiatives for Q3: Continue work on health modules/serious sexual misconduct form approval for all 2024 newcomers; health modules completion for all coaches and staff; implement sexual violence prevention online modules for all coaches and staff; implement second semester sexual violence prevention programming for all student-athletes; continue to complete part one of the Leadership Institute with remaining teams (Battle At Eagle Creek); expand Leadership Institute for part two of strategic plan and continue planning leadership event for student-athletes with military leaders; build out nutrition education curriculum that will tie into athletic identity talk education (this programming will begin freshmen year now as student-athletes report to campus and expand each year they are here, concluding with athlete identity programming); begin working with Compliance on revising our student-athlete handbook for the 2024-25 academic year. |
In Progress | Q3 | 06/30/2024 | These tasks will be assessed prior to June 30. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Competitive Success Final ranking in the annual Learfield Cup Standings. |
Facility Project Enchancements Continue construction work on the Jack and Ruth Ann Hill Convocation Center. Also complete checklist of work at the Anthony P. Tippins Training Facility. |
In Progress | Q3 | 06/30/2024 | These tasks will be assessed and updated accordingly throughout the 2023-24 academic year. |
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Season Ticket Sales for Baseball Generate interest and exceed season ticket sales from previous seasons. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Season ticket sales will be ongoing throughout the spring. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Business Office Initiatives Q3 Tasks/Initiatives: NCAA Financial Report due Jan. 15; quarterly meetings with all departments/sports - focus will be on planning for the FY2025 budget; Breakfast with the Business Office - focus will be on FY2025 budget and new policies & procedures website; and assimilate/transition new Athletics CFO that starts on Feb. 1. |
In Progress | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Will be assessed each quarter through FY24. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Competitive Excellence Campaign Disseminate current and new messaging on the importance of the Competitive Excellence Fund and the continued efforts to both retain and recruit elite coaches and staff. |
In Progress | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | This task will continued to be assessed during Q3 and revisited for outbound quarters. | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Submit NCAA Financial Report Submit NCAA Financial report (requirement) by Jan. 15. |
Completed | Q3 | 01/15/2024 | Task to be completed by Jan. 15. |
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Annual Fund Revenue Total amount of revenue received from Erk Russell Fund donations |
Football Schedule Release Combined with Season Ticket Renewal Process Planning and release of the 2024 football schedule. Release will also include our traditional ticket packages (season, single, mini-plan) as well as new offerings. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Task will be completed by March 31, 2024. |
Teaching and Research | Compliance Education Number of Education Workshops for Coaches & Staff |
Compliance Staff Meetings Additional Q4 tasks: Continue to update and modernize compliance related functions - particularly within ARMS (this process began in Q3 and some functions have been improved); onboard new compliance staff member to create a seamless transition and integration with Georgia Southern University and the Athletic Department; meet with every team and all returning student-athletes for an "End of Year" Compliance education; help administer ProhiBet training coming from the Sun Belt (required to have all student-athletes complete the training by September 1); research new ideas for NIL opportunities for both our student-athletes and the Collective/Community to take advantage of new proposals coming out but also remain in compliance. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Will occur monthly with the exception of June and July. Fourth year of these meetings. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Community Engagement |
Leadership, Life Skills, and Mental Health Development Attendance and participation in all APEX events for all sports |
Execution of APEX Programming Implementation of new and recurring APEX program initiatives that will enhance the student-athlete experience and provide experiential learning opportunities. Q4 initiatives include: Athlete Network (on-going); entrepreneurship programming; finalize APEX Summer (Football, Men's and Women's Basketball) Curriculum; ABM OpenDorse/NIL education programming; Atlanta Career Tour (31 student-athletes attending Coke, Home Depot, Delta, and Georgia Power home offices); and APEX internal/external internship program. Implementation of Spring programming list consisting of required and optional event attendance. Participate in community service projects and events initiated through the execution of the year-long community service calendar created by SAAC which has yielded 5,000 community service hours performed since July 1. Other initiatives: Feed the Boro, Reading Awareness Bulloch Co. Elementary Schools |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | APEX programming will be adjusted each quarter through the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Community Engagement |
Total number of community outreach hours for student-athletes | Enhanced Community Service Engagement and SAAC Participation Creation of Summer and Fall community events list - consisting of required and optional event attendance. Organize community service projects and events initiated through the execution of a yearlong community service calendar created by SAAC which has yielded over 12,000 community service hours performed (FY23). Q4 initiatives: Community Mentoring Partnership with the Georgia Southern Department of Student Success for Bulloch Co.; Date Night event; Cancer Awareness; and "Helping Hand" project for the Bulloch County elementary schools. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Programming will be implemented for the entirety of the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Revenue Generation and Fundraising Campaigns Q4 goals and tasks for the Athletic Foundation: - 150 donor visits with major gift focus on Baseball Facility Project, other capital projects, and Competitive Excellence Fund - Exceed FY23 Athletics Fundraising record - 100% sell-through rate for Tailgate Suites and Paulson Suites - New messaging using Eloqua platform to lapsed Erk Russell Fund donors showing impact and soliciting rejoining the ERF |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | These tasks will be assessed quarterly throughout the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Leadership, Life Skills, and Mental Health Development Attendance and participation in all APEX events for all sports |
Departmental Initiatives for Q4 Departmental Sports Medicine/Title IX initiatives for Q4: - Update all medical Policies and procedures - Update NCAA Sexual Violence Prevention Curriculum - Update NCAA Concussion Policy - Create Nutrition Curriculum and Athletic Identity Curriculum designing to enhance our holistic approach to now go more in depth with each area within the department - Update the NCAA mandated talk on medical concerns, hazing, alcohol/drug abuse, vaping, mental health and health modules education |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | These tasks will be assessed prior to June 30. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Competitive Success Final ranking in the annual Learfield Cup Standings. |
Facility Project Enchancements Continue construction work on the Jack and Ruth Ann Hill Convocation Center. Also complete checklist of work at the Anthony P. Tippins Training Facility. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | These tasks will be assessed and updated accordingly throughout the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Business Office Initiatives Q4 Tasks/Initiatives: Submit FY25 budget, submit USG financial reporting, facilitate bi-weekly meetings with Director of Athletics and COO, update and finalize year-end accounting schedule. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Will be assessed each quarter through FY24. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Annual Fund Revenue Total amount of revenue received from Erk Russell Fund donations |
Competitive Excellence Campaign Disseminate current and new messaging on the importance of the Competitive Excellence Fund and the continued efforts to both retain and recruit elite coaches and staff. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | This task will continued to be assessed during Q4 and revisited for outbound quarters. |
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Annual Fund Revenue Total amount of revenue received from Erk Russell Fund donations |
Football Season Ticket Renewal Process Continue marketing and selling of traditional ticket packages (season, single, mini-plan) as well as new offerings. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Task will be completed by June 30, 2024. |
Teaching and Research | Compliance Education Number of Education Workshops for Coaches & Staff |
Compliance Staff Meetings Reoccurring meetings between the Compliance Office and coaches/staff. |
In Progress | Q2 | 06/30/2024 | Will occur monthly with the exception of June and July. Fourth year of these meetings. |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Academic Achievement Departmental cumulative GPA over 3.2 |
Student-Athlete Services Q1 Initiatives: Train tutors and schedule 150 recurring appointments per week for students; get 200+ unique visitors to sign into Cone Hall; meet with each team to go over semester academic expectations within the first two weeks of school; create Academic Plans for all freshmen student-athletes, as well as students who meet with Learning Specialists or have mandatory study hall hours; hire and fill two open Academic Advisor positions |
In Progress | Q1 | 06/30/2025 | These tasks will be administered on a quarterly basis through the 2024-25 academic year. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Community Engagement |
Leadership, Life Skills, and Mental Health Development Attendance and participation in all APEX events for all sports |
Execution of APEX Programming Implementation of new and recurring APEX program initiatives that will enhance the student-athlete experience and provide experiential learning opportunities. Q3 initiatives include: Athlete Network (ongoing), Community Impact Project partnership with Feed the Boro; partnership with campus OFCS for APEX Networking Night; APEX Spring Curriculum; Declare Your Major Day; continued partnership with ABM for enhanced NIL Education and APEX internal/external internship program. Implementation of Spring programming list consisting of required and optional event attendance. Participate in community service projects and events initiated through the execution of the year-long community service calendar created by SAAC which has yielded 5,000 community service hours performed since July 1. Other initiatives: Feed the Boro, Reading Awareness Bulloch Co. Elementary Schools |
In Progress | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | APEX programming will be adjusted each quarter through the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Community Engagement |
Total number of community outreach hours for student-athletes | Enhanced Community Service Engagement and SAAC Participation Creation of Summer and Fall community events list - consisting of required and optional event attendance. Organize community service projects and events initiated through the execution of a year long community service calendar created by SAAC which has yielded over 12,000 community service hours performed (FY23). Q3 initiatives: Feed the Boro (Feb. 3), Georgia Southern Hosting Sun Belt Conference Winter SAAC meetings on campus Jan. 4-6. |
In Progress | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Programming will be implemented for the entirety of the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Revenue Generation and Fundraising Campaigns Q3 goals and task for the Athletic Foundation: 125 donor visits, close 12 major gifts. Continue raising support for the J.I. Clements renovation project as well as the Competitive Excellence Fund and the Football Agency account. Host "Evening with the All Stars" event on Feb. 2 to raise funds to support the baseball program. Additionally, finalize the planning of Eagle Club meetings. |
In Progress | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | These tasks will be assessed quarterly throughout the 2023-24 academic year. |
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Season Ticket Sales for Baseball Generate interest and exceed season ticket sales from previous seasons. |
Completed | Q4 | 03/31/2024 | Season ticket sales will be ongoing throughout the spring. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Business Office Initiatives Q3 Tasks/Initiatives: NCAA Financial Report due Jan. 15; quarterly meetings with all departments/sports - focus will be on planning for the FY2025 budget; Breakfast with the Business Office - focus will be on FY2025 budget and new policies & procedures website; and assimilate/transition new Athletics CFO that starts on Feb. 1. |
In Progress | Q4 | 03/31/2024 | Will be assessed each quarter through FY24. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Competitive Excellence Campaign Disseminate current and new messaging on the importance of the Competitive Excellence Fund and the continued efforts to both retain and recruit elite coaches and staff. |
In Progress | Q4 | 03/31/2024 | This task will continued to be assessed during Q3 and revisited for outbound quarters. | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Overall Revenue Generation Total revenue for Athletics and Athletic Foundation (not inclusive of student fees, direct institutional support, indirect institutional support, bowl, and NCAA/Sun Belt distributions, AF yearly transfer) |
Submit NCAA Financial Report Submit NCAA Financial report (requirement) by Jan. 15. |
Completed | Q4 | 01/15/2024 | Task to be completed by Jan. 15. |
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Annual Fund Revenue Total amount of revenue received from Erk Russell Fund donations |
Football Schedule Release Combined with Season Ticket Renewal Process Planning and release of the 2024 football schedule. Release will also include our traditional ticket packages (season, single, mini-plan) as well as new offerings. |
Completed | Q4 | 03/31/2024 | Task will be completed by March 31, 2024. |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Academic Achievement Departmental cumulative GPA over 3.2 |
Student-Athlete Services Strategic Initiatives Academic Plans for At-Risk Students: Will create plans for student-athletes that will enroll as mid-year transfers and also make sure all other underprepared athletes have academic plans for the Spring 2024 semester. Implement a third learning specialist to increase number of students in learning support by 50% Q3 tasks: complete academic recover plans for all students below a 2.5 on file in our Google Drive; create and implement a system to properly place non-football students into the learning specialist caseload; collaborate with campus to learn how to better work with/assist students with learning disabilities to train our learning specialists; and build our summer FYE course to focus more on skill building, utilizing staff members from multiple departments on campus to guest speak. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | This task will be administered throughout the 2023-24 academic year. |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Academic Achievement Departmental cumulative GPA over 3.2 |
Student-Athlete Services Strategic Initiatives Academic Plans for At-Risk Students: Will create plans for student-athletes that will enroll as mid-year transfers and also make sure all other underprepared athletes have academic plans for the Spring 2024 semester. Implement a third learning specialist to increase number of students in learning support by 50% Q3 tasks: complete academic recover plans for all students below a 2.5 on file in our Google Drive; create and implement a system to properly place non-football students into the learning specialist caseload; collaborate with campus to learn how to better work with/assist students with learning disabilities to train our learning specialists; and build our summer FYE course to focus more on skill building, utilizing staff members from multiple departments on campus to guest speak. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | This task will be administered throughout the 2023-24 academic year. |
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Strategic Pillar | Key Performance Indicator | Task | Status | Quarter | Expected Completion Date |
Assessment |
Operational Efficiency | Anthony P. Tippins Family Training Facility (CO) New construction - athletics training facility |
Completed | Q1 | 09/01/2023 | CO complete. Still waiting on Cabinets, Hanging the sign, netting, and scoreboard. | |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Updating Classrooms & Computer Labs 40 Classroom AV Upgrades / 6 Computer Lab Refreshes |
Completed | Q1 | 07/31/2023 | All classrooms and labs installed before start of semester | |
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Williams Center Renovations Renovation of a portion of the 2nd floor of Williams Center |
Completed | Q1 | 08/01/2023 | Construction Complete and teams have moved into new space | |
Operational Efficiency | MCC Rennovations Renovation of the 2nd floor of MCC with minor lobby renovations |
Completed | Q1 | 08/04/2023 | Construction Complete and teams have moved into new space | |
Student Success | Virtual Student Job Fair A virtual job fair will allow flexibilty for students to interview for jobs before arriving on campus and allows managers to participate as their schedule allows. |
Completed | Q1 | 07/30/2023 | ||
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
RAC Fields lighting replacement Replace all field lights with LEDs. Goal is for full contract execution and ordering of materials. If possible, complete at least one section of RAC fields prior to Fall Semester starting, with remaining sections completed throughout the Fall. |
Completed | Q1 | 07/30/2023 | All lights have been installed | |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Science Center Lab Renovations Aesthetic upgrades to the Science Labs in the Science Bldg at Savannah with work being completed in phases due to lead times on materials. Goals is for 100% design completion and execution of contract with GC for full project. |
In Progress | Q1 | 07/31/2023 | ||
Dining Commons Updates New signage at stations, new flooring throughout front of house, reupholster dining chairs/booths/stools, hot/cold well replacements for hotter and colder food options, bringing back made to order/action stations, new today's brews concept, return of special events |
Completed | Q1 | 08/10/2023 | |||
Operational Efficiency | Amazon Walkout GusMart Using Amazon Walk Out Technology in GusMart 1 in Russell Union |
In Progress | Q1 | 09/15/2023 | Will launch on October 20th. Delays in materials pushed go live. | |
Conversational AI Chatbot Implementation Implement Druid Conversational AI Chatbot for EM |
Completed | Q1 | 08/01/2023 | |||
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Grub Hub Off Campus Program Implement Grub Hub Off Campus Program |
Completed | Q1 | 07/31/2023 | Program launched for all campuses | |
Armstrong Sign Digital Sign Replace Armstrong Digital Sign (Abercorn) - expectation for Fall is that contract is executed, digital boards are ordered, and any prep work needed in complete. Board lead times are at least 4 months so final completion won't happen until September/October. |
Completed | Q1 | 08/31/2023 | New sign has been installed and is opertional | ||
Operational Efficiency | Freshmen Retention (IPEDS) |
Create new scorecard concept to meet user expectations for use outside of the University. Create new scorecard concept to meet user expectations for use outside of the University. |
In Progress | Q1 | 03/31/2023 | |
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Launch University Motor Pool Launch University Motor Pool |
Completed | Q1 | 08/01/2023 | Launched for Business and Finance in Q1. Wil laucnh for broader campus in Q2 | |
Operational Efficiency | Amazon Walkout GusMart Using Amazon Walk Out Technology in GusMart 1 in Russell Union |
Completed | Q2 | 10/20/2023 | Went Live November 1 | |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Science Center Lab Renovations Aesthetic upgrades to the Science Labs in the Science Bldg at Savannah with work being completed in phases due to lead times on materials. Goals is for 100% design completion and execution of contract with GC for full project. |
In Progress | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | ||
Operational Efficiency | Complete Budget Hearing Preparation Complete Budget Hearing Preparation |
Completed | Q2 | 11/30/2023 | Completed and Presented | |
Student Success Teaching and Research Operational Efficiency |
Complete USG Financial Deadlines FY2024 1st Qtr Budget Amendment - Due 10/10/2023 HEERF Quarterly Report - Due 10/10/2023 Pcard / TIGA Reporting - Due 10/16/2023 FY2024 1st Qtr Financial Reports - Due 10/18/2023 |
Completed | Q2 | 10/31/2023 | Completed and Submitted on time | |
Implement Druid Conversational Chatbot for HR Implement Druid Conversational Chatbot for HR |
Completed | Q2 | 11/30/2023 | Completed and launched on 12/1 | ||
Student Success Teaching and Research Operational Efficiency |
Start Discovery for Druif services for Dinning, Housing, Parking, etc. Start Discovery for Druif services for Dinning, Housing, Parking, etc. |
Completed | Q2 | 11/30/2023 | Discovery completed will start launch in Q3 with implementation in Q4 | |
Complete Design and Schedule for Lakeside flooring and painting enhancements Complete Design and Schedule for Lakeside flooring and painting enhancements. To Support Governors Honors |
Completed | Q2 | 11/30/2023 | Completed and schedule produced with the start date during spring break | ||
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Complete USG audit for Carry forward Reserve Complete USG audit for Carry forward Reserve |
Completed | Q2 | 11/24/2023 | Audit completed no findings or comments | |
Operational Efficiency | Implement Phase 2 of the Motor Pool Implement Phase 2 of the Motor Pool. Which will include the rest of campus |
In Progress | Q2 | 12/29/2023 | ||
Student Success Teaching and Research Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Launch Phase 1 of the Virtual Collaboration Center (Old Tech Conor Space) Launch Phase 1 of the Virtual Collaboration Center (Old Tech Conor Space). Will include gaming stations, collaboration spaces, and labs. |
Completed | Q2 | 10/31/2023 | Launched and averaging 50-6-70 people a day | |
Student Success Teaching and Research Operational Efficiency |
Finalize Business and Finance SACS requirements Finalize Business and Finance SACS requirements. |
Completed | Q2 | 11/10/2023 | Submitted our draft narrative for review. | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Launch New Eagle Eye Services Launch New Eagle Eye Services |
Completed | Q2 | 12/29/2023 | Vendor had delayed . Having a hard time hiring a director | |
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Science Center Lab Renovations Aesthetic upgrades to the Science Labs in the Science Bldg at Savannah with work being completed in phases due to lead times on materials. Goals is for 100% design completion and execution of contract with GC for full project. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/29/2024 | ||
Operational Efficiency | Implement Phase 2 of the Motor Pool Implement Phase 2 of the Motor Pool. Which will include the rest of campus |
Completed | Q3 | 03/29/2024 | ||
Student Success | Crime prevention programming for on-campus residential halls and school organizations (4 hours)v Crime prevention programming for on-campus residential halls and school organizations (4 hours) |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | ||
Student Success Community Engagement |
Hire a new manager for the Virtual Collaboration Center Hire a new manager for the Virtual Collaboration Center |
Completed | Q3 | 02/29/2024 | ||
Complete vehicle inventory and evaluation along with projected costs to repair Complete vehicle inventory and evaluation along with projected costs to repair |
Completed | Q3 | 03/15/2024 | |||
Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Start Implementation Phase of WorkDay Adaptive Start Implementation Phase of WorkDay Adaptive wih expecation to go live before budget prep |
Completed | Q3 | 01/31/2024 | ||
Student Success Teaching and Research Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Augusta Health Partnership Needs to be 80% complete with Armstrong Center and Health Profession Build renovation |
Completed | Q3 | 03/29/2024 | ||
Operational Efficiency | USG Reporting; Mandatory Fees, Elective Fees, 5 Year Business Plansv USG Reporting; Mandatory Fees, Elective Fees, 5 Year Business Plans |
Completed | Q3 | 01/31/2024 | ||
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Assess Engagement Survey Action plans Assess Engagement Survey Action plans |
Completed | Q3 | 03/29/2024 | ||
Implement Faculty Staff Engagement Projects Friday Lunches Extra Buses Route between campuses |
Completed | Q3 | 01/12/2024 | |||
Student Success Community Engagement |
Statesboro campus 2nd Photo Op Create 2nd photo op location on the Statesboro campus, similar to the GSU shrubbery display at Sweetheart Circle |
Not Started | Q3 | 04/01/2024 | ||
Student Success Community Engagement |
Statesboro campus 2nd Photo Op Create 2nd photo op location on the Statesboro campus, similar to the GSU shrubbery display at Sweetheart Circle |
Completed | Q4 | 05/01/2024 | Project Completed between Nursing and COE | |
Dining Commons/Lakeside Hot and Cold well island replacements Replacement of obsolete and poor functioning hot and cold wells for food preparation at Dining Commons and Lakeside |
Completed | Q4 | 05/28/2024 | |||
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Lakeside Flooring Replace the flooring in Lakeside Dining Commons |
Completed | Q4 | 06/01/2024 | Assessing wear and tear over the summer with GHP will determine if we need to clean or replace again before fall | |
Student Success Teaching and Research Community Engagement |
AU Medical College Anatomy Lab and Office Space Renovation Renovation of existing laboratory space in the HPAB on the Armstrong campus and various office space in the Armstrong Center to accommodate 3 and 4 year medical students with AU Medical School |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | ||
Student Success Teaching and Research |
Software Deployment for Labs A project to revamp the way faculty requests software for labs. Goal is to streamline the request process for both the customer and IT operations as well as provide the customer with more software in the lab settings (preventing them from having to request each term but being more proactive deployment). |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | ||
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Eagle Village Bld 2 HVAC Replacements Replacement of all of the HVAC units serving Eagle Village Bld 2 with obsolete refrigerant systems |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | ||
Student Success Teaching and Research Operational Efficiency |
Budget Pre Complete for FY25 Budget Pre Complete for FY25 |
Completed | Q4 | 05/31/2024 | ||
Student Success Teaching and Research Operational Efficiency |
Ai GUS - Phase 2 Deploy GUS' presence on more websites; promote the texting feature for students; build additional personalized flows (flows are prioritized based on student demand) |
In Progress | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | ||
Student Success Teaching and Research Community Engagement |
Refresh of In-Person New Employee Orientation Create/print booklet for new employees, communicate necessity of attendance to cabinet and managers, automate follow up emails during provisional period |
Completed | Q4 | 06/15/2024 | ||
Student Success Teaching and Research Community Engagement |
Dental AU Partnership Design Project Dental AU Partnership Design Project |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Site location selected on site tour with Augusta partners on 7/17 | |
Student Success Teaching and Research Community Engagement |
Wexford Housing Completed Design and cost estimates for Wexford Housing Project. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/06/2024 | Design 90% complete met with county council and are in the process of drafting operating and lease agreement. |
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Strategic Pillar | Key Performance Indicator | Task | Status | Quarter | Expected Completion Date |
Assessment |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Admissions Decision Process Transition to Slate Instance Admissions process transition from Banner to Slate CRM instance. |
Completed | Q1 | 08/31/2023 | ||
Student Success | Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Common Application Launch Launch the Common App for New First-Year and Transfer Applicants |
Completed | Q1 | 08/01/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
CampusESP FERPA Module Launch the Campus ESP FERPA Module |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | ||
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
EM Services implementation at Ft. Stewart Ed Center Lead University Committee to Implement Ft. Stewart/HAAF Partnership |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | ||
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Implement Enrollment rate and projection model The model will help with goal setting for Fall 2024 and beyond. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
New Slate Captain Hiring and Onboarding |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Begin Planning Phase for Evolution of One Stop Shop |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence Community Engagement |
Employee Culture- EMSS Division | Host Inaugural EMSS All Staff Division Workshop This marks the beginning of building an intentional culture in the new EMSS Division enabling us to drive enrollment goals for the university. |
Completed | Q1 | 07/14/2023 | |
Student Success Community Engagement |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Carnegie Rebranding and Website On-Campus Workshops Complete first phase/ discovery for rebrand and website projects |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
NISS Findings Finalize our engagement with NISS. Delivery of findings is scheduled for August. |
Completed | Q1 | 08/15/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Phase I Annual Student Succes/Retention Plan Building Begin situational analysis phase of annual student success plan |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Launch Senior Search and App Gen Campaigns- Carnegie Project |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Migration of Mainstay communications to Druid platform |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | ||
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
SEP Phase I Host RNL on Campus to conduct the first out of eight consulting visits. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/27/2023 | |
Student Success | Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Set Enrollment Goals for Fall 2024 Segmented by student populations and colleges |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Finalize Student Advising Process Journey Map |
Completed | Q1 | 08/31/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Reallocation of Marketing Dollars - Budget finalized for 23-24 |
Completed | Q1 | 07/15/2023 | ||
Student Success | Finalize Partnership Agreement with Campus Sonar This will help us audit our current social media efforts, clean up the GS presence in social media, inform rebranding, and help us formulate a social media strategy moving forward. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | ||
Student Success Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Employee Culture- EMSS Division | Develop EMSS division mission, vision, values, and behaviors |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | |
Student Success | New Student Admissions Application Volume | Development of traditional media Development of billboard and TV ads for the rest of this year to hold us over until the rebranding. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | |
Student Success | Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Athletics Partnership- Video Development and Football Dates Work with Jared and the team to ensure videos are developed- Coach Helton and Cole Swindell |
Completed | Q1 | 09/15/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Financial Aid Leveraging Strategy Develop scholarship leveraging model to support new student enrollment as well as transition to the new FAFSA form to support retention efforts |
Completed | Q2 | We have completed 60% of the FA Strategy, but need to finalize it during Q3 for full implementation of student awards by Mid Feb. | ||
Student Success | Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Develop Communication Strategy for new FAFSA Simplification Changes Communication strategy for continuing and new students as well as internal audiences: faculty, staff, guidance counselors, parents, etc. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/15/2023 | Communication strategy was fully developed and deployed to students. We will continue deployment during Q3. |
Student Success | Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Develop and Implement One Stop Shop Phase I |
Completed | Q2 | 12/22/2023 | Establish a One- Stop Center in Victor Hall at the Armstrong Campus that includes Admissions, FA, Bursar, registrars, and advising functions to facilitate student service and support. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Call Center Implementation Partner with Call Center Vendor to enhance customer services to students during peak volume times. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/15/2023 | Increased number response rates and eliminated long queues. Eliminate vacancies. |
Student Success | Graduate Student Enrollment | FT. Stewart Marketing and Operational Structures Launch marketing campaign to promote Ft. Stewart Programs and set up internal infrastructure to support Ed Center Operations |
Completed | Q2 | 11/30/2023 | |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Employee Culture- EMSS Division | Vision, Mission, Values and Expectations Unveil EMSS mission, vision, values, and behaviors during Nov 16th Divisional. People-first focused approach. |
Completed | Q2 | 11/16/2023 | |
Student Success Community Engagement |
Digital Marketing and Advertising Effectiveness | Complete Social Media Audit Complete social media audit of all GS social media accounts with the purpose of developing a social media strategy to elevate the GS brand. These efforts tie into our rebranding initiative. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/22/2023 | |
Student Success | New Student Incoming Recruitment Undergraduate | Launch marketing campaign for No Fee November Help increase application volume for new incoming students. |
Completed | Q2 | 10/20/2023 | |
Student Success | New Student Incoming Recruitment Undergraduate | Launch Carnegie Campaigns Military, Transfer, Specific program campaigns, Georgia Match, etc. |
Completed | Q2 | 11/17/2023 | |
Community Engagement | Digital Marketing and Advertising Effectiveness | Freedom Merchandise Out in Stores Deploy our new Freedom brand out in stores and in the Wild Life Center |
Completed | Q2 | 12/15/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Overall Degrees Conferred (Graduate and Undergraduate) | Deploy Comms and promote December Commencement Ceremonies |
Completed | Q2 | 12/15/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Freshman Retention Rate | Develop Annual Retention Plan The goal is to increase retention by two percentage points by Fall 2024 |
Completed | Q2 | 11/17/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Freshman Retention Rate | Development of Retention Predictive Model The predictive model will enable the deployment of proactive retention strategies and interventions. |
Completed | Q2 | 11/30/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Freshman Retention Rate | Pilot EAB Handraise Feature Enables students to request tutoring services through self-service platform |
Completed | Q2 | 12/15/2023 | |
Student Success | 4 - Year Graduation Rate | Student Satisfaction Inventory Deploy Student Satisfaction to help guide SEP strategies. This brings the student voice into the SEP process. |
Completed | Q2 | 11/30/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Freshman Retention Rate | AI Platform Language Development Phase II Work with IT and other community partners to launch Chatbot on website. |
In Progress | Q2 | 03/31/2024 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
4 - Year Graduation Rate | Student Advising Journey Mapping Complete the journey mapping exercise and begin solution implementation |
Completed | Q2 | 12/15/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Implementation of Happy or Not Customer Service Software Deployment of customer service software to measure student satisfaction and implement service recovery plan |
Completed | Q2 | 10/13/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
SEP Campus-wide Kick Off Strategic Enrollment Planning Campus-wide Kick-off. Includes all working groups. |
Completed | Q2 | 11/03/2023 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Financial Aid Leveraging Strategy Develop scholarship leveraging model to support new student enrollment as well as transition to the new FAFSA form to support retention efforts |
Completed | Q3 | 02/16/2024 | Finalize FA Leveraging Strategy | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Freshman Retention Rate | AI Platform Language Development Phase II Work with IT and other community partners to launch Chatbot on website. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Establish personalized chatbot in the website for Financial Aid and Admissions pages |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
4 - Year Graduation Rate | Advising Innovation & Tiger Working Groups Prioritization and implementation of recommendations from these working groups to create efficiencies for the advising team and provide enhanced and streamlined advising experience for students. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Start implementation of top 3-5 recommendations. At least completing and implementing one of the recommendations. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Freshman Retention Rate | Retention Plan Development of annual retention plan |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Finalization and adoption of the plan Deployment of 50% of strategies within the plan |
Student Success | Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Strategic Enrollment Plan Development of a strategic enrollment plan for the institution- Phase I |
Completed | Q3 | 02/29/2024 | Completion of Action Team's Situational Analysis Conduct Visit two of the process Presentation of SSI results |
Student Success | New Student Incoming Recruitment Undergraduate | Yield Efforts Development and implementation of yield strategies |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Launch of Event omnichannel campaigns Successful deployment of Feb Previews Successful deployment of Honors Scholarship Events Complete FA training for admissions recruiters Launch yield slate campaigns created by Carnegie |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
4 - Year Graduation Rate | National Institute for Student Success Grant Development of resource allocation plan |
Completed | Q3 | 02/29/2024 | Finalize resource allocation plan |
Student Success Community Engagement |
Digital Marketing and Advertising Effectiveness | Brand Strategy and Direction Presentation Carnegie visit to campus |
Completed | Q3 | 02/17/2024 | Successful execution of Carnegie's visit |
Student Success Community Engagement |
Digital Marketing and Advertising Effectiveness | Brand Activation Development of brand creative and activation roadmap- pHASE i |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Start developing all creative and content materials for the new brand. Finalize the brand activation roadmap. |
Student Success | Website effectiveness. |
Website Redesign Development of phase II of the website redesign |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Approval of Information Architecture and templates for the new site. Finalize prioritization of pages to be completed by Carnegie (100) |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Social media strategy development Host Campus Sonar visit to campus |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Succesful execution of Campus Sonar Visit Understanding of current social media situational analysis and direction moving forward. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
One Stop Center Phase I development |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Finalize Phase I in the Statesboro Campus |
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Total amount of cash, pledges, and in-kind gifts to Georgia Southern University. | Capital Campaign Marketing Plan Development of marketing campaign marketing plan |
In Progress | Q3 | 03/30/2024 | |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
New Student Incoming Recruitment Undergraduate | AI Platform Language Development Phase II Work with IT, admissions, and financial aid leaders to prioritize workflows and FQA to feed into the Druid Platform. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Develop a document with priorities Develop at least two workflows by the end of the quarter |
Student Success Community Engagement |
Digital Marketing and Advertising Effectiveness | Brand Activation Development of brand creative and activation roadmap |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Start developing all creative and content materials for the new brand. Finalize the brand activation roadmap. Launch the new brand |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Hiring of critical roles for the Division Hiring Director of Admissions, AVP of Financial AId, and Chief Marketing Officer roles |
In Progress | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Finalize DOA, AVPFA, and CMO searcches. Finlized CMO and AVP FA, but will engage search company to hire DOA. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Freshman Retention Rate | SEP Hold SEP visits |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Complete Visit 6 & 7 Complete first draft the SEP plan Establish SEM council |
Student Success | Freshman Retention Rate | Kick-Off NISS Initiatives Deploy phase I |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Development of timelines for each of the NISS Initiatives Commence first phase of initiative timelines Start search for supplemental instruction and technology manager positions |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Freshman Retention Rate | New Student Success Model Development of New Student Success Model |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Development of first draft/ outline for draft Compile leadership feedback Develop phases for implementation Start demos for CRM and predictive modeling tools |
Student Success Community Engagement |
Website effectiveness. |
Website Governance Framework |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Develop new website governance framework |
Student Success | New Student Incoming Recruitment Undergraduate | Recruitment Communications Finalizing communication plans for incoming Fall 24 class |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Complete undergraduate and graduate yield and anti-melt campaigns. Launch the grad comm plan for the new name-buy list. |
Student Success | Digital Marketing and Advertising Effectiveness | Marketing Mix Model |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Develop our 24-25 recruitment marketing mix model. |
Student Success | Financial AId Leveraging Optimization of FA dollars |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Sign a contract for vendor partnership for Financial Aid Leveraging services. | |
New Student Incoming Recruitment Undergraduate | Personalized Financial Aid Videos |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Launch personalized financial aid videos for new incoming students | |
Student Success | 4 - Year Graduation Rate | Tutoring |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Pilot hand-raise feature on EAB for student requesting tutoring services |
Student Success | 4 - Year Graduation Rate | Learning Support |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Identify and eliminate duplicate processes and unnecessary touch points in LS registration process |
Operational Efficiency | Internal communications. Goal is to measure and increase trust and transparency on campus through improved internal communications. |
Federal work study program Optimization of Federal work-study dollars |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Development of a plan to redesign federal work-study program |
Student Success | Freshman Retention Rate | Student Success Reports |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Finalize development and launch of student success reports. Completed part of it, but more to come... |
Student Success | New Student Incoming Recruitment Undergraduate | Admitted Student Yield Event Yield event to ensure Fall 24 class recruitment |
Completed | Q4 | 04/27/2024 | Hold Admitted Student Celebration: Destination Eagle Nation |
Student Success | Student Aid Award FA |
Completed | Q4 | 05/31/2024 | Begin packaging financial aid awards for new incoming and continuing students | |
Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Employee Culture- EMSS Division | EMSS Divisional |
Completed | Q4 | 06/28/2024 | Successfully launch EMSS Divisional- Focus on Collaboration |
Inclusive Excellence Community Engagement |
Employee Culture- EMSS Division | Employee Engagement Survey Presentation of results |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Hold presentation of EMSS Division Results Start development of EE Action Plans |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Employee Culture- EMSS Division | CARC Promotion Process Advisors promotion process |
Completed | Q4 | 05/30/2024 | Finalize the advisor's promotion process. Fianlzie all advisor's positions descriptions. |
Student Success | Enrollment Overall Headcount Enrollment |
Advising/Registration Communications Proactive outreach to boost |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Develop and deploy automated campaigns to boost student registration. Deploy 1:1 advisor/ student outreach to boost registration. |
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Strategic Pillar | Key Performance Indicator | Task | Status | Quarter | Expected Completion Date |
Assessment |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Engagement of central units, academic colleges, and special groups with the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan (IEAP) through the President's Diversity Advisory Council. | Inclusive Excellence | Inclusive Excellence Action Plan Progress Report Devlop and share the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan progress report with various groups on campus. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Create IEAP Progress report and plan to share across campus |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Learning opportunities provided to the Georgia Southern University community through OEDLIE. | Inclusive Excellence | Hiring Manager/Committee Training Collaborate with Human Resources, Legal Affairs, and other partners to assess our current training module and implement an updated version for the campus. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Incorporate updated training information in instructions for hiring managers and search committee chairs. |
Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Student participation in Inclusive Excellence related programming, services, events and professional development/learning opportunities. | Multicultural Affairs | Staffing Fill the Assistant Director of Multicultural Affairs position and graduate assistant roles in OMA. |
In Progress | Q2 | 12/30/2023 | Post cobs. share recruitment materials, and establish search committees and a plan to onboard new staff members. |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence |
Graduation rate for underrepresented minority students | TRIO Programs | FY23 Budget (FY24 for UGS/GS) Evaluate program needs and submit updated budget proposal for TRIO McNair and TRIO Student Support Services to the Department of Education |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Budget approval from the Department of Education |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence |
Graduation rate for underrepresented minority students | TRIO Programs | Pre-McNair Scholars Academy The McNair program director is launching a pre-McNair Scholars Academy. This will serve as a pilot pipeline program for freshmen and sophomore students who may transition to the McNair program when they become eligible, |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Students onboarded into the pre-McNair program. |
Inclusive Excellence Community Engagement |
Learning opportunities provided to the Georgia Southern University community through OEDLIE. | Inclusive Excellence | MLK Celebration Committee The Office of Inclusive Excellence will create and provide the charge for the MLK Celebration committee. The committee will be charged with recommending programming, theme, speakers, etc. |
Not Started | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Committee meets and provide preliminary recommendations |
Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Inclusive Excellence | Assess Inclusive Excellence Educational Opportunities The Office of Inclusive Excellence will create an inventory of the cluster offerings, review them, and update them as needed. |
In Progress | Q2 | 12/30/2023 | Program promoted through university communication channels and participation recorded for the first session | |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Retention rate for underrepresented minority students | Inclusive Excellence | Academic Support Program Alignment Assessing operations of our academic support and enhancement progams for synergy and optimized administration. |
In Progress | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Inventory academic success programs within the cluster and assess how they work together and information share. |
Inclusive Excellence | Engagement of central units, academic colleges, and special groups with the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan (IEAP) through the President's Diversity Advisory Council. | Inclusive Excellence | Provide Charge for IE Boards and Councils Have initial meetings with members of boards and councils to provide a charge for the academic year. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Meet with President's Diversity Advisory Council, President's Student Advisory Council, African American Male Initiative Advisory Board, and First-Gen Forward Working Group |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence |
Graduation rate for underrepresented minority students | CCAMPIS Program | Staffing Search for director of CCAMPIS program, funded by the Department of Education |
In Progress | Q2 | 11/15/2023 | Select and onboard a director to launch the CCAMPIS program on Armstrong and Liberty campuses. |
Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence |
Engagement of central units, academic colleges, and special groups with the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan (IEAP) through the President's Diversity Advisory Council. | Inclusive Excellence | SREB Institute on Teaching and Mentoring The Office of Inclusive Excellence will go to the Southern Regional Education Board's Institute on Teaching and Mentoring to increase interest in PhDs to apply to the university for faculty roles and undergraduate scholars to apply to graduate school. |
In Progress | Q2 | 10/31/2023 | Attend and recruit at SREB and co-host Peach State Reception |
Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Engagement of central units, academic colleges, and special groups with the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan (IEAP) through the President's Diversity Advisory Council. | Inclusive Excellence | Develop Next Steps for IEAP This semester is dedicated to assessment and evaluation of our inclusive excellence efforts and the steps we take next as an institution after the original IEAP elapses in 2024. |
In Progress | Q2 | 12/30/2023 | Next steps for IEAP are developed and shared with Cabinet, PAC, PDAC, and PSAC |
Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Participation of leaders and supervisors in Employee Engagement Action Plan building |
OELDIE | Development of New Office Development of the Office of Organizational Effectiveness |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Hire a director to lead the unit and identify space and initial projects |
Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Learning opportunities provided to the Georgia Southern University community through OEDLIE. | OELDIE | Leadership Development Institute Coordinate and facilitate aa Q3 Leadership Development Institute that provides insight into the new organizational structure, highlighting the through-line that connects all units in the portfolio to vice presidents, deans, and campus leadership, and workshop to set goals. |
Completed | Q3 | 02/16/2024 | Provide the "why" and "how" of the new structure and feedback from institutional leaders. |
Inclusive Excellence Community Engagement |
Learning opportunities provided to the Georgia Southern University community through OEDLIE. | OIE | MLK Breakfast and Luncheon Host two keynotes that focus on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to kick state the MLK Celebration |
Completed | Q3 | 01/12/2024 | Successful facilitation of breakfast (Statesboro) and luncheon (Armstrong) with at least 80% capacity in attendance. |
Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Learning opportunities provided to the Georgia Southern University community through OEDLIE. | OELDIE | Leadership Development Inventory Work with President's Cabinet, deans, and institutional leaders to inventory the availability of leadership development programs |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Collect responses from at least 80% of administrative units and academic colleges. |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence |
Student participation in Inclusive Excellence related programming, services, events and professional development/learning opportunities. | TRIO McNair | Scholar Recruitment Recruit scholars to fill the available spots in the program |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Recruit and select 10 new McNair Scholars. A stretch goal is to also recruit 5 new Emerging McNair Scholars Academy participants. |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Student participation in Inclusive Excellence related programming, services, events and professional development/learning opportunities. | TRIO McNair | Annual Performance Report Finalize and submit Annual Performance Report to the Department of Education. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | APR accepted by the Department of Education |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence |
Student participation in Inclusive Excellence related programming, services, events and professional development/learning opportunities. | TRIO SSS | Student Participation The SSS program is funded to have 140 participants. We are looking to be on track to reach that number of participants. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Provide services to at least 112 students by the end of the quarter. |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence Community Engagement |
Student participation in Inclusive Excellence related programming, services, events and professional development/learning opportunities. | OMA | MLK Parade OMA will coordinate student participation in the MLK parades in Statesboro and Savannah. |
Completed | Q3 | 01/08/2024 | At least 10 student participants representing Georgia Southern in the Statesboro and Savannah MLK parades. |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence |
Student participation in Inclusive Excellence related programming, services, events and professional development/learning opportunities. | OMA | MOVE Summit OMA is looking to host a Men of Vision and Excellence Summit. with its main audience being Georgia Southern students and USG AAMI participants from across the state. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Register at least 50 participants |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Student participation in Inclusive Excellence related programming, services, events and professional development/learning opportunities. | CCAMPIS | Program Recruitment CCAMPIS program is looking to start providing services to student-parents who are eligible for funding. |
In Progress | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Provide at least 20 eligible students with CCAMPIS services |
Inclusive Excellence Community Engagement |
Learning opportunities provided to the Georgia Southern University community through OEDLIE. | OIE | Common Read As a continuation of learning from our MLK Speaker, OIE is planning to host a common read the speaker's text on sense of belonging for college students. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Launch common read with at least 10 faculty and staff participants |
Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Faculty and staff participation in programs, services, events, and professional/leadership development opportunities offered through OELDIE. | OIE | Staff Search OIE is planning to search for a full-time coordinator to assist with programs and operations |
In Progress | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Final candidate is hired and onboarded by the end of the quarter. |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence Community Engagement |
Student participation in Inclusive Excellence related programming, services, events and professional development/learning opportunities. | OMA | Staffing Search OMA Is planning to relaunch its search for an assistant director on the Statesboro campus to assist with programming and operations. |
In Progress | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Candidate hired and onboarded by the end of the quarter. |
Learning opportunities provided to the Georgia Southern University community through OEDLIE. | OELDIE | Host Leadership Development Institutes for executive and institutional leaders as well as director level leaders. |
Completed | Q4 | 05/03/2024 | ||
Student Success Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Student participation in Inclusive Excellence related programming, services, events and professional development/learning opportunities. | CCAMPIS | Program Recruitment CCAMPIS program is looking to start providing services to student-parents who are eligible for funding. |
In Progress | Q4 | 03/31/2024 | Provide at least 20 eligible students with CCAMPIS services |
Inclusive Excellence Community Engagement |
Learning opportunities provided to the Georgia Southern University community through OEDLIE. | OIE | Common Read As a continuation of learning from our MLK Speaker, OIE hosted a common read of the speaker's text on sense of belonging for college students. |
Completed | Q4 | 03/31/2024 | Complete the common read with at least 10 faculty and staff participants |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence Community Engagement |
Student participation in Inclusive Excellence related programming, services, events and professional development/learning opportunities. | OMA | Staffing Search OMA Is planning to relaunch its search for an assistant director on the Statesboro campus to assist with programming and operations. |
In Progress | Q4 | 03/31/2024 | Candidate hired and onboarded by the end of the quarter. |
Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Faculty and staff participation in programs, services, events, and professional/leadership development opportunities offered through OELDIE. | OIE | Staff Search OIE is planning to search for a full-time coordinator to assist with programs and operations |
In Progress | Q4 | 03/31/2024 | Final candidate is hired and onboarded by the end of the quarter. |
Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Participation of leaders and supervisors in Employee Engagement Action Plan building |
OOE | Release Employee Engagement Results to Leaders and Supervisors |
Completed | Q4 | 05/17/2024 | All supervisors and leaders who are tasked with creating an Employee Engagement Action plan should receive their reports and have access to comments. |
Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency |
Participation of leaders and supervisors in Employee Engagement Action Plan building |
OOE | Employee Engagement Survey Administration |
Completed | Q4 | 03/22/2024 | All full-time benefited employees have the opportunity to participate in the employee engagement survey to share their experience as an employee at Georgia Southern University. |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence |
Student participation in Inclusive Excellence related programming, services, events and professional development/learning opportunities. | OMA | End of Year Celebrations |
Completed | Q4 | 05/31/2024 | Host Multicultural Achievement Celebration and Multicultural Awards, and co-host Lacvendar Celebration for graduating students and their supporters. |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence |
Student participation in Inclusive Excellence related programming, services, events and professional development/learning opportunities. | TRIO McNair | Summer Research Institute |
In Progress | Q4 | 07/31/2024 | Host a summer research institute with 10+ undergraduate students. |
Student Success Inclusive Excellence |
Student participation in Inclusive Excellence related programming, services, events and professional development/learning opportunities. | OIE | TRIO SSS Grant Writing |
In Progress | Q4 | 07/15/2024 | Submit grant applications to renew TRIO SSS on Armstrong/Liberty and to establish SSS grants on Statesboro campus. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Engagement of Cabinet members in learning and development opportunities offered through OELDIE. | OOE | Strategic Planning Process Launch |
In Progress | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | "Phase one: Setting the Stage," the first step in building our Strategic Plan 2030. This step is to take place at the end of this quarter and fiscal. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Student participation in Inclusive Excellence related programming, services, events and professional development/learning opportunities. | TRIO SSS | Budgeting Development and Planning As we reapply for the SSS Armstrong/Liberty grant, we will need to revisit the budget with updated salaries, staffing structures, and program allocations. |
In Progress | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Meeting to discuss the proposal for FY25 federal funding. |
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Strategic Pillar | Key Performance Indicator | Task | Status | Quarter | Expected Completion Date |
Assessment |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Economic Impact: Sustain regional economic impact of $1 Billion+ from FY2022 study. *$1.03B FY2022 annual economic impact (2nd highest in post consolidation history) |
Begin FY25 Budget Prioritization Process Q1 Tasks - Begin FY25 Budget prioritization process and strategic implementation of budget reductions due to enrollment decline and legislative cuts. Continue internal Critical Hire Process; Prioritize and update Large and Small Cap facility projects through BOR process for FY25 and beyond. Communicate updates to all constituencies. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Q1 Actions Completed - Began FY25 Budget prioritization process aligned with strategic imperatives, built templates for reporting process, identified strategic budget reductions of target amount ($9.2M), and continued to communicate process and all decisions at each level of the institution. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Strategic Enrollment Plan Implementation Aligned with Marketing/Branding Q1 Tasks - Support EVP Enrollment, Marketing, Student Success; Support and focus on yield of current fall 2023 class and retention of returning students; Continue refresh/update and implementation of Strategic Enrollment Plan adapting to current and future market shifts with GPA admission criteria for Fall 2023 and beyond; incorporate RNL and NISS assessments and cultivate relationship with Carnegie; Complete Summer 2023 enrollment census; Further develop/Implement Armstrong strategies for Fall 2023 (beyond) and overall graduate student growth expansion plan for all campuses; implement initial graduate offerings at Ft. Stewart/Hunter with support staff; begin w/Carnegie brand refresh/marketing update process including target border state markets and specific campus programs aligned with new academic programmatic focus work. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Completed assigned Q1 tasks - Drove yield for Fall enrollment w/final census due October 14. Overall growth of 2.3% with record graduate, DE, and out-of-state student populations. Received the final NISS assessment and identified key areas of improvement. Began initial RNL SEP assessment process and completed initial workshops with Carnegie on brand refresh. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Faculty and Staff Salary Market Equity - Phase III: Segal salary market equity study updated reflecting 2023 market with goal to maintain 92% of 1st quartile (Staff w/3+ years of service) and 84% of CUPA median for Faculty | Operational Continuous Improvement & Faculty/Staff Market Salary Equity - Finalize launching and assessment of 8 pilot RPA implementations; finalize reviews of Budget Management/Accountant positions; Auxiliary Operational Review/Implementation; and HR Annu Q1 Tasks - continue assessment, implementation, and actions with Budget Reduction Prioritization and Redirection priorities; Further implementation of actions of Auxiliary Review, continue assessment of identified RPA pilots, continue assessment of HR Processes (annual evals and hiring); and finalize Faculty/Staff Market Equity Salary update w/addition of $2,000 COLA (Segal consulting) setting future goals of equity. |
In Progress | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Continued progress of Q1 Actions...assessing readiness and impact of current and future budget reductions due to legislative cuts and future formula reduction and finalize salary market equity study update w/COLA increases now projected into Q2. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Brand/Marketing Refresh - Implementation and Assessment Q1 Tasks - Support Enrollment Management, Marketing, Student Success; support Carnegie review and assessment of brand concept, refresh imagery and messaging with new strategies and direction; begin process to Incorporate updated language/design into all marketing and communications - inform and direct messaging in divisional and unit marketing; Align all outcomes with Strategic Enrollment Plan, Comprehensive Capital Campaign and Strategic Communication Plan; assess outcomes; further process of brand refresh throughout FY24 aligning RNL and NISS assessment and Carnegie strategies. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Completed actions in Q1 - held 5 institutional workshops and an all-board workshop with Carnegie assessing distinctive character of Georgia Southern currently and projected aspiration. These initial assessments will inform brand/market strategies and help develop future implementation and messaging. All will be aligned and informed by initial work with RNL (SEP) and NISS final assessment report to further develop comprehensive strategies. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Fundraising: Achieve $20M-$21.249M in total gifts and pledges (all Foundations) *FY23 total $23.8M (institutional record) |
GaSou Foundation/Advancement - Cultivation of Major Gifts, Campaign Implementation, Donor Stewardship Q1 Tasks - Continue to Cultivate/Solicit identified major gift prospects for Facilities, Programs and Scholarships aligned with Capital Campaign; continue to steward Campaign Steering Committee including implementation of identified marketing materials supporting campaign focus areas and prepare for Campaign Kick-off event; continue organizational assessment and operational improvements. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Q1 total fundraising exceeded expectation with over $6M in gifts and pledges. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Continue cultivation of Regional Education Partnership; Network dialogue w/stakeholders – County/City Public School Superintendents, Technical College Presidents (Ogeechee & Savannah), EGSC President, Independent Schools. Q1 Tasks - Chatham County = continue focus on building Dual Enrollment market, further develop pipeline strategy implementation for Fall 2023 and beyond, assess impact of Gap Tutoring Program, further develop Early Learning Opportunities; Bulloch County = further implement Early Learning/Kindergarten Ready programs and assessment of Early Learning Lab School concept, assess GAP tutoring program, support Pathways to Prosperity, and develop County-wide marketing strategy for educational opportunities. Align all efforts to Regional Workforce/Talent development needs. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Continued work on Q1 tasks furthering development of Early Learning initiatives and assessment of Summer GAP learning/tutoring program and identified continued funding for summer 2024! Dual Enrollment strategies garnered record DE enrollment numbers for fall 2023. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Performance Excellence and Professional Development: 1. Overall score of Performance Excellence Employee Engagement/Satisfaction Survey (3rd year - spring 2023 - survey results 3.78) 2. Percentage goal of faculty, staff, students participating in professional development. |
Continue Implementation & Assessment of the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan Q1 Tasks - Continue support of implementation of the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan and Office of Inclusive Excellence assessing and incorporating new BOR Policies and guidelines; Support AVP/CDO in FY24 goals; Further implementation of the divisional actions and further assessment of institutional actions. Continue to support and work with PDAC and PSAC. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Q1 tasks - Completed assigned tasks to support and assessment current and future implementation of the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan aligning all actions with BOR/System Policies and guidelines. Continued communication and meetings w/PDAC and PSAC. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Retention: Freshman class retention - fall 2022 to fall 2023 goal of retention rate at 75% for 2022 cohort - RESULT 77.1% October census 2023! *2020 cohort 72.1% (COVID): 2021 cohort 72% (COVID) |
Continue “Protect Our Nest” – UPD, City, County Sheriff community building and communication plan Q1 Tasks - Continue monthly calls to review and update trends, communication and safety issues; Plan on campus event and focus for fall 2023; Monitor/update FAQs and web landing page with informational videos; Further assess need for technology and develop implementation plan; further assess data dashboards. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Q1 tasks completed and assessed via monthly calls and updates. Continued to provide feedback on opportunities for improvement in communication and community policing efforts including coordination of emergency response due to hurricane Idalia. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Student Success - Career Readiness: Median earnings for GaSou graduates employed in the state of Georgia one-year after graduation excluding those who are self-employed, employed by the federal gov/military, and those employed out of state. Current benchmark trends: 2018 class = $41,091 2019 class = $44,282 2020 class = $42,029 2021 class (goal) = $45,000+ |
Continue Cultivation of External Partners - Regional Chambers, County Development Authorities, City Councils/Leadership, County Commissioners, Port Authority, SEDA, Military (Ft. Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield) Q1 Tasks - Continue service on Boards (Savannah and Bulloch Chamber, East Georgia Medical, World Trade Center, Georgia Chamber); Cultivate continued relationships with local city councils; Continue to support "vibrant community" efforts with Statesboro stakeholders; Continue cultivation/strategy meetings with Savannah/Chatham CEOs; Continue programmatic educational development opportunities with Ft. Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield; Engage and steward regional preparedness for Hyundai project. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | These relationships and partnerships continued to be cultivated - Q1 focused on current and future prospects including continuing strategic community readiness/preparations for the Hyundai Plant and included the signing of an MOU w/Georgia Southern, Ogeechee Tech and Hyundai. Assessment strategies focused on furthering major projects that have economic impact on local/regional communities also including the signing of our partnership and MOU with Ft. Stewart/Hunter Army Ed Center. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Performance Excellence and Professional Development: 1. Overall score of Performance Excellence Employee Engagement/Satisfaction Survey (3rd year - spring 2023 - survey results 3.78) 2. Percentage goal of faculty, staff, students participating in professional development. |
Performance Excellence Evidence-based leadership, culture of high performance! Professional Development Q1 Tasks completed - hold the 17th LDI focused on "solving & evolving - working at the speed of business," planning, adaption and innovation; reviewed and assess EE Survey and finalize FY24 Action Plans; Plan and scheduled Faculty Development and Staff Development Days; schedule Department Chair and Director Development retreat. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Completed Q1 identified tasks and progress on stated goals - continued improvement and adaptation. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Community Engagement |
Overall Degrees Conferred (Undergraduate & Graduate) AY2023 Results: 3,942 undergraduate 1,465 graduate (IPEDS) |
Georgia Southern - Wexford Q1 Tasks - Continue support of Wexford Campus with academic program schedule for late Fall 2023 and beyond; review housing design/construction tendering documents and projected renovation budget; and continue cultivation of Irish educational/research partnerships; plan return visit to further opportunities. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Completed and continued Q1 tasks - implementation of plans will continue throughout FY24. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Research & Sponsored Projects: Goal of $38M in total Research Expenditures (NSF HERDS) - FY22 total $36.3M *FY23 total $40.02M (institutional record) |
Regional Academic Plan and Research Opportunity Expansion - Continue progress and development Q1 Tasks - continued further cultivation of unique public impact research opportunities; finalize implementation of new Medical School Partnership and implementation of new Phd programs (Engineering & Computing), identify programmatic and physical requirements of Dental School, Hospitality Management Program; Support continued expansion of Nursing Cohort and further planning of PA program; Continue dialogue and work with external partners; finalize academic program timelines; prioritize and enhance academic programs aligned with market and SEP. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Completed and made progress on Q1 actions and assessment of expansion/focus of academic programs and public impact research opportunities. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Research & Sponsored Projects: Goal of $38M in total Research Expenditures (NSF HERDS) - FY22 total $36.3M *FY23 total $40.02M (institutional record) |
Savannah Logistic Innovation Center (SLIC) Q1 Tasks - continue to support cohort #2. Develop 3-5 year strategic plan for SLIC; further support collaboration w/Plug n Play and additional partners at Coastal Georgia Center; continue work, focus, and stewardship of Savannah Logistics Innovation Consortium and research opportunities; continue cultivation of corporate sponsors; continue work to identify future physical location; further Ed Collaborative work that identified all educational programs that support Logistics/IT tech; further next steps in alignment with Legislative support and economic development; launch project innovation workgroups with Plug n Play to align academic program cross discipline meetings and collaboration to support logistics research agenda. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Completed Q1 identified tasks - supporting SLIC, continuing to identify a future site, and held retreat to outline the 3-5 year Strategic Plan. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Community Partnerships/Campus Vibrancy - Armstrong/Statesboro/Hinesville - Further explore external community partnerships and campus activation. Q1 Tasks - Further Community Collaboration workgroup efforts (Bulloch County) and begin work with Joint Development Authority Planning Group on Housing and Childcare Study; further implement and define/focus identify and market for Armstrong and Liberty Campuses; incorporate ATF plan into wholistic Strategic Enrollment Plan development; introduce new Dean and Department Chair to continue stewardship and future planning of Gretsch School of Music and artistic partnership opportunities; continue efforts to support and finalize Blue Mile/Creek Project; finalize and open Hinesville incubator; support second cohort at SLTIC (identify site); continue support of JA Discovery Center; further explore Early Learning Center; further explore Dental School. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Made progress on identified tasks in Q1 driving implementation and success of identified projects and strategies. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Economic Impact: Sustain regional economic impact of $1 Billion+ from FY2022 study. *$1.03B FY2022 annual economic impact (2nd highest in post consolidation history) |
Major Infrastructure and Facility Projects Q1 Tasks to complete - Continue construction on South Campus, Akins Road Extension Project and prep for remaining portion of road extension to further construction in FY24; Continue Convocation Center project through early construction and site development; Complete and move-into Williams Center, Memorial College and Tippins PF; Further renovations of GBI building; finalize BOR approval of baseball renovations; prioritize funding opportunities for Math/Physics and COB. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Completed and furthered assigned Q1 tasks! |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Economic Impact: Sustain regional economic impact of $1 Billion+ from FY2022 study. *$1.03B FY2022 annual economic impact (2nd highest in post consolidation history) |
Finalize FY25 Budget Prioritization Process Q2 Tasks - Finalize FY25 Budget prioritization process and strategic implementation of budget reductions due to enrollment decline and legislative cuts. Continue internal Critical Hire Process; finalize priority Large and Small Cap facility projects through BOR process for FY25 and beyond. Communicate updates to all constituencies. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Q2 Actions Completed - Finalized FY25 Budget prioritization process aligned with strategic imperatives, finalized narrative preparation and submitted on December 4, identified strategic budget reductions of target amount, and continued to communicate process and all decisions at each level of the institution. In addition, held Budget Hearing at System Office on Dec. 11. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Strategic Enrollment Plan Implementation Aligned with Marketing/Branding Q2 Tasks - Support EVP Enrollment, Marketing, Student Success; Support final census reporting for fall 2023; Continue assessment (RNL) to develop new Strategic Enrollment Plan adapting to current and future market shifts with GPA admission criteria for Fall 2024 and beyond; incorporate NISS assessments and further brand/web redesign assessment with Carnegie; Incorporate Armstrong strategies and overall graduate student growth expansion plan for all campuses; prepare implementation of initial graduate offerings at Ft. Stewart/Hunter with support staff; further w/Carnegie brand refresh/marketing update process including target border state markets and specific campus programs aligned with new academic programmatic focus work. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Completed assigned Q2 tasks - census submitted for Fall 2023 = 26,106 (2.35% growth), furthered assessment planning with RNL (SEP) holding campus and leadership workshops, initiated progress on Carnegie brand and website redesign. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Faculty and Staff Salary Market Equity - Phase III: Segal salary market equity study updated reflecting 2023 market with goal to maintain 92% of 1st quartile (Staff w/3+ years of service) and 84% of CUPA median for Faculty | Operational Continuous Improvement & Faculty/Staff Market Salary Equity - Finalize launching and assessment of 8 pilot RPA implementations; finalize reviews of Budget Management/Accountant positions; Auxiliary Operational Review/Implementation; and HR Annu Q2 Tasks - continue assessment, implementation, and actions with Budget Reduction Prioritization and Redirection priorities; Further implementation of actions of Auxiliary Review, continue assessment of identified RPA pilots, continue assessment of HR Processes (annual evals and hiring); and finalize Faculty/Staff Market Equity Salary update w/addition of $2,000 COLA (Segal consulting) setting future goals of equity. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Completed and continued progress of Q2 Actions...assessed readiness and impact of current and future budget reductions due to legislative cuts and future formula reduction. Still working to finalize salary market equity study update w/FY2024 COLA increases. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Brand/Marketing Refresh - Implementation and Assessment Q2 Tasks - Support Enrollment Management, Marketing, Student Success; support Carnegie review and assessment of brand concept, refresh imagery and messaging with new strategies and direction; begin process to Incorporate updated language/design into all marketing and communications - inform and direct messaging in divisional and unit marketing; Align all outcomes with Strategic Enrollment Plan, Comprehensive Capital Campaign and Strategic Communication Plan; assess outcomes; further process of brand refresh throughout FY24 aligning RNL and NISS assessment and Carnegie strategies. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Completed assigned actions in Q2 - continued assessment/review of brand/marketing strategies assessing market response and impact on applications aligned with target markets, website, and media impressions. Alignment of market strategies based on academic program/campus opportunities and further refresh brand concept and align strategic enrollment plan update and Comprehensive Capital Campaign - informed by assessment of RNL and NISS and implementing Carnegie strategies. Remain on target with goals and timeline! |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Fundraising: Achieve $20M-$21.249M in total gifts and pledges (all Foundations) *FY23 total $23.8M (institutional record) |
GaSou Foundation/Advancement - Cultivation of Major Gifts, Campaign Implementation, Donor Stewardship Q2 Tasks - Continue to Cultivate/Solicit identified major gift prospects for Facilities, Programs and Scholarships aligned with Capital Campaign; continue to steward Campaign Steering Committee including implementation of identified marketing materials supporting campaign focus areas and hold Campaign Kick-off event; continue organizational assessment and operational improvements. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Completed assigned Q2 tasks including Capital Campaign launch event. Reached Q2, FY2024 goal of over $10M in gifts and pledges in first six months of FY. Continued assessment on increased prospect pipeline. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Continue cultivation of Regional Education Partnership; Network dialogue w/stakeholders – County/City Public School Superintendents, Technical College Presidents (Ogeechee & Savannah), EGSC President, Independent Schools. Q2 Tasks - Chatham County = continue focus on building Dual Enrollment market, further develop pipeline strategy implementation for Fall 2024 and beyond, assess impact of Gap Tutoring Program, further develop Early Learning Opportunities; Bulloch County = further implement Early Learning/Kindergarten Ready programs and assessment of Early Learning Lab School concept, assess GAP tutoring program, support Pathways to Prosperity, and develop County-wide marketing strategy for educational opportunities. Align all efforts to Regional Workforce/Talent development needs. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Completed Q2 tasks furthering development of Early Learning initiatives and assessment of Summer GAP learning/tutoring program in preparation for Summer 2024 expansion. Furthered/launched FAFSA communication strategy and Dual Enrollment strategies to help improve yield outcomes for fall 2024 and beyond. Aligned identified efforts with talent/workforce development needs. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Performance Excellence and Professional Development: 1. Overall score of Performance Excellence Employee Engagement/Satisfaction Survey (3rd year - spring 2023 - survey results 3.78) 2. Percentage goal of faculty, staff, students participating in professional development. |
Continue Implementation & Assessment of the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan Q2 Tasks - Continue assessment and support of implementation of the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan and Office of Inclusive Excellence assessing and incorporating new BOR Policies and guidelines; Support AVP/CDO in assessment and development of updated IE Action Plan beyond 2024 and beyond; Further implementation and alignment of the divisional and institutional actions. Continue to support and work with PDAC and PSAC. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Q2 tasks completed - supported assessment and development of updated Inclusive Excellence Action Plan in alignment with BOR/System Policies and guidelines. Via assessment, implemented and communicated reorganization of OIE to Office of Organizational Effectiveness, Leadership Development, and Inclusive Excellence Continued communication and meetings w/PDAC and PSAC. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Retention: Freshman class retention - fall 2022 to fall 2023 goal of retention rate at 75% for 2022 cohort - RESULT 77.1% October census 2023! *2020 cohort 72.1% (COVID): 2021 cohort 72% (COVID) |
Continue “Protect Our Nest” – UPD, City, County Sheriff community building and communication plan Q2 Tasks - Continue monthly calls to review and update trends, communication and safety issues; Plan on campus event and focus for fall 2023 and spring 2024; Monitor/update FAQs and web landing page with informational videos; Further assess need for technology and develop implementation plan; further assess data dashboards. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Q2 tasks completed via monthly calls and updates. Continued to provide feedback on opportunities for improvement in communication and community policing efforts...commitment to expanded use of technology and integration of systems. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Student Success - Career Readiness: Median earnings for GaSou graduates employed in the state of Georgia one-year after graduation excluding those who are self-employed, employed by the federal gov/military, and those employed out of state. Current benchmark trends: 2018 class = $41,091 2019 class = $44,282 2020 class = $42,029 2021 class (goal) = $45,000+ |
Continue Cultivation of External Partners - Regional Chambers, County Development Authorities, City Councils/Leadership, County Commissioners, Port Authority, SEDA, Military (Ft. Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield) Q2 Tasks - Continue service on Boards (Savannah and Bulloch Chamber, East Georgia Medical, World Trade Center, Georgia Chamber, JA Georgia Board); Cultivate continued relationships with local city councils; Continue to support "vibrant community" efforts with Statesboro stakeholders; Continue cultivation/strategy meetings with Savannah/Chatham CEOs; Continue programmatic educational development opportunities with Ft. Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield; Engage and steward regional preparedness for Hyundai project. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Completed assigned Q2 actions - These relationships and partnerships continued to be cultivated focusing on current and future prospects including continuing strategic community readiness/preparations for the Hyundai Plant. Assessment strategies focused on furthering major projects that have economic impact on local/regional communities. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Performance Excellence and Professional Development: 1. Overall score of Performance Excellence Employee Engagement/Satisfaction Survey (3rd year - spring 2023 - survey results 3.78) 2. Percentage goal of faculty, staff, students participating in professional development. |
Performance Excellence Evidence-based leadership, culture of high performance! Professional Development Q2 Tasks - hold/plan 18th LDI with continued focus on "solving & evolving - working at the speed of business," planning, adaption and innovation; assessment of EE Survey for spring 2024 launch; Continue CMGs; review and assess Performance Excellence Awards; Support Faculty Development Day and Staff Development Day goals; support 3rd Department Chair and Director Development retreat. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Completed ask Q2 identified tasks and progress on stated goals - continued improvement and adaptation - holding successful LDI, Staff Development Day, and Chair/Director Development retreat. Reorganization of OIE to include Organizational Effectiveness, Leadership Development, and Inclusive Excellence to further align institutional efforts in professional and leadership development. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Community Engagement |
Overall Degrees Conferred (Undergraduate & Graduate) AY2023 Results: 3,942 undergraduate 1,465 graduate (IPEDS) |
Georgia Southern - Wexford Q2 Tasks - Continue support of Wexford Campus with academic program schedule for late Fall 2023 and beyond; review final housing design/construction tendering documents and projected renovation budget; and continue cultivation of Irish educational/research partnerships; plan return visit to further opportunities. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Completed and will continue Q2 tasks - implementation of plans will continue throughout FY24. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Research & Sponsored Projects: Goal of $38M in total Research Expenditures (NSF HERDS) - FY22 total $36.3M *FY23 total $40.02M (institutional record) |
Regional Academic Plan and Research Opportunity Expansion - Continue progress and development Q2 Tasks - continued further cultivation of unique public impact research opportunities and Roadmap to R1; finalize and support implementation of new Medical School Partnership and implementation of new Phd programs (Engineering & Computing), identify programmatic and physical requirements of Dental School; Support continued expansion of Nursing Cohort and further planning/implementation of PA program; Continue dialogue and work with external partners; finalize academic program timelines; prioritize and enhance academic programs aligned with market and SEP. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Completed and made progress on Q2 actions and assessment of expansion/focus of academic programs and public impact research opportunities. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Research & Sponsored Projects: Goal of $38M in total Research Expenditures (NSF HERDS) - FY22 total $36.3M *FY23 total $40.02M (institutional record) |
Savannah Logistic Innovation Center (SLIC) Q2 Tasks - launch collaborate cohort #3. Finalize 3-5 year strategic plan for SLIC; further support collaboration w/Plug n Play and additional partners at Coastal Georgia Center; continue work, focus, and stewardship of Savannah Logistics Innovation Consortium and research opportunities; continue cultivation of corporate sponsors; continue work to identify future physical location; further Ed Collaborative work that identified all educational programs that support Logistics/IT tech; further next steps in alignment with Legislative support and economic development; launch project innovation workgroups with Plug n Play to align academic program cross discipline meetings and collaboration to support logistics research agenda. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Completed Q2 identified tasks - supporting SLIC with launch of 3rd cohort, identified future site development, and held workshop and developed 3-5 year Strategic Plan. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Community Partnerships/Campus Vibrancy - Armstrong/Statesboro/Hinesville - Further explore external community partnerships and campus activation. Q2 Tasks - Further Community Collaboration workgroup efforts (Bulloch County) and begin work with Joint Development Authority Planning Group on Housing and Childcare Study; further implement and define/focus identify and market for Armstrong and Liberty Campuses; support new Dean and Department Chair to continue stewardship and future planning of Gretsch School of Music and artistic partnership opportunities; continue efforts to support and finalize Blue Mile/Creek Project; fully open Hinesville incubator; support third cohort at SLTIC (identify site); continue support of JA Discovery Center; further explore Early Learning Center; further explore Dental School. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Made significant progress on identified tasks in Q2 and driving implementation and success of identified projects and strategies. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Economic Impact: Sustain regional economic impact of $1 Billion+ from FY2022 study. *$1.03B FY2022 annual economic impact (2nd highest in post consolidation history) |
Major Infrastructure and Facility Projects Q2 Tasks to complete - Continue construction on South Campus, Akins Road Extension Project and remaining portion of road extension to further construction in FY24; Continue Convocation Center project through construction and site development; With move-in finalize punch list of Williams Center, Memorial College and Tippins TF; Further renovations of GBI building for Water labs; further baseball renovations project; prioritize funding opportunities for COB renovation. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/31/2023 | Completed and furthered assigned Q2 tasks...Williams Center, Memorial College and Tippins TF; Furthered renovations of GBI building for Water labs; further fund raising for baseball renovations project; USG prioritized funding for COB renovation. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Economic Impact: Sustain regional economic impact of $1 Billion+ from FY2022 study. *$1.03B FY2022 annual economic impact (2nd highest in post consolidation history) |
Finalize FY25 Budget Process Q3 Tasks - Finalize FY25 Budget prioritization process and strategic implementation of budget reductions due to enrollment decline and FY24 legislative cuts. Continue internal Critical Hire Process; finalize priority Large and Small Cap facility projects through BOR process for FY25 and beyond. Communicate updates to all constituencies. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Q3 Actions - Finalized FY25 Budget prioritization process aligned with strategic imperatives and communicated to Faculty Senate, Staff Council, SGA, and via campus emails the legislative session priorities and continued to communicate process and all decisions at each level of the institution as information was available. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Strategic Enrollment Plan Implementation Aligned with Marketing/Branding Q3 Tasks - Support EVP Enrollment, Marketing, Student Success; Support final census reporting for spring 2024; Continue assessment (RNL) to further new Strategic Enrollment Plan adapting to current and future market shifts with GPA admission criteria for Fall 2024 and beyond; continue to incorporate NISS assessments and further brand/web redesign assessment with Carnegie; Further incorporate Armstrong strategies and overall graduate student growth expansion plan for all campuses; launch implementation of initial graduate offerings at Ft. Stewart/Hunter with support staff; further w/Carnegie brand refresh/marketing update process including target border state markets and specific campus programs aligned with new academic programmatic focus work. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Completed assigned Q3 tasks furthering assessment planning with Strategic Enrollment Plan (SEP), Carnegie brand update and website redesign. This work will inform future plans for institutional strategic plan update! |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Faculty and Staff Salary Market Equity - Phase III: Segal salary market equity study updated reflecting 2023 market with goal to maintain 92% of 1st quartile (Staff w/3+ years of service) and 84% of CUPA median for Faculty | Operational Continuous Improvement & Faculty/Staff Market Salary Equity - Finalize launching and assessment of 8 pilot RPA implementations; finalize reviews of Budget Management/Accountant positions; Auxiliary Operational Review/Implementation; and HR Annu Q3 Tasks - continue assessment, implementation, and actions with Budget Reduction Prioritization and Redirection priorities, continue assessment of Auxiliary Review, continue implementation and assessment of identified RPA pilots, continue assessment of HR Processes (annual evals and hiring); and finalize Faculty/Staff Market Equity Salary update w/addition of $2,000 COLA (Segal consulting) setting future goals of equity. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Completed and continued progress of Q3 Actions...assessed readiness and impact of current and future budget reductions due to current legislative session and continued work to finalize salary market equity study update with 4% projected COLA increases for July 1, 2024. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Brand/Marketing Refresh - Implementation and Assessment Q3 Tasks - Support Enrollment Management, Marketing, Student Success; support Carnegie review and assessment of brand concept, refresh imagery and messaging with new strategies and direction; continue process to Incorporate updated language/design into all marketing and communications - inform and direct messaging in divisional and unit marketing; Align all outcomes with Strategic Enrollment Plan, Comprehensive Capital Campaign and Strategic Communication Plan; assess outcomes; further process of brand refresh throughout FY24 aligning RNL and NISS assessment and Carnegie strategies. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Completed actions in Q3 - continued assessment/review of brand/marketing strategies assessing market response and impact on applications aligned with target markets (top of funnel), website, and media impressions. Alignment of market strategies based on academic program/campus opportunities and further refreshed brand concept and aligned strategic enrollment plan update and Comprehensive Capital Campaign - All informed by assessment of RNL and NISS and implementing Carnegie strategies. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Fundraising: Achieve $20M-$21.249M in total gifts and pledges (all Foundations) *FY23 total $23.8M (institutional record) |
GaSou Foundation/Advancement - Cultivation of Major Gifts, Campaign Implementation, Donor Stewardship Q3 Tasks - Continue to Cultivate/Solicit identified major gift prospects for Facilities, Programs and Scholarships aligned with Capital Campaign; continue to steward Campaign Steering Committee including implementation of identified marketing materials supporting campaign focus areas; continue organizational assessment and operational improvements. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Assessment included progress on identified tasks in Q3, campaign identified goals, increased prospect pipeline, and funds raised. Q3 with over $17.5M in gifts and pledges with an additional $3M pledged awaiting gift agreement signature. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Continue cultivation of Regional Education Partnership; Network dialogue w/stakeholders – County/City Public School Superintendents, Technical College Presidents (Ogeechee & Savannah), EGSC President, Independent Schools. Q3 Tasks - Chatham County = continue focus on building Dual Enrollment market, further develop pipeline strategy implementation for Fall 2024 and beyond, assess impact of Gap Tutoring Program, further develop Early Learning strategies and opportunities; Bulloch County = further implement Early Learning/Kindergarten Ready programs and assessment of Early Learning Lab School concept, assess GAP tutoring program, support Pathways to Prosperity, and develop County-wide marketing strategy for educational opportunities. Align all efforts to Regional Workforce/Talent development needs...support goals of I-16 corridor workforce committee. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Continued work on Q3 tasks furthering development of Early Learning initiatives and assessment and implementation of Summer GAP learning/tutoring program preparing for Summer 2024 expansion. Furthered FAFSA communication strategy, still with significant issues with DOE. Continued Dual Enrollment and Non-traditional strategies to help improve yield outcomes for fall 2024 and beyond. Aligned identified efforts with talent/workforce development needs...SEP updates. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Performance Excellence and Professional Development: 1. Overall score of Performance Excellence Employee Engagement/Satisfaction Survey (3rd year - spring 2023 - survey results 3.78) 2. Percentage goal of faculty, staff, students participating in professional development. |
Implementation & Assessment of new organizational structure - Org Effectiveness, Leadership Development, and Inclusive Excellence Action Plan Q3 Tasks - Support implementation of new org structure (OELDIE) and the assessment and update of the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan incorporating BOR Policies and guidelines; Support AVP/CDO in assessment and development of updated IE Action Plan beyond 2024 and beyond; Further alignment of the divisional and institutional actions. Continue to support and work with PDAC and PSAC. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Q3 tasks - Completed assigned tasks to support new org structure and further development and update of Inclusive Excellence Action Plan in alignment with BOR/System Policies and guidelines. Continued communication and meetings w/PDAC and PSAC. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Retention: Freshman class retention - fall 2022 to fall 2023 goal of retention rate at 75% for 2022 cohort - RESULT 77.1% October census 2023! *2020 cohort 72.1% (COVID): 2021 cohort 72% (COVID) |
Continue “Protect Our Nest” – UPD, City, County Sheriff community building and communication plan Q3 Tasks - Continue monthly calls to review and update trends, communication and safety issues; Plan on campus event and focus for spring 2024; Monitor/update FAQs and web landing page with informational videos; Further assess need for technology and develop implementation plan; further assess data dashboards. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Q3 tasks assessed via monthly calls and updates. Continued to provide feedback on opportunities for improvement in communication and community policing efforts. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Student Success - Career Readiness: Median earnings for GaSou graduates employed in the state of Georgia one-year after graduation excluding those who are self-employed, employed by the federal gov/military, and those employed out of state. Current benchmark trends: 2018 class = $41,091 2019 class = $44,282 2020 class = $42,029 2021 class (goal) = $45,000+ |
Continue Cultivation of External Partners - Regional Chambers, County Development Authorities, City Councils/Leadership, County Commissioners, Port Authority, SEDA, Military (Ft. Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield) Q3 Tasks - Continue service on Boards (Savannah and Bulloch Chamber, East Georgia Medical, World Trade Center, Georgia Chamber, JA Georgia Board); Cultivate continued relationships with local city councils; Continue to support "vibrant community" efforts with Statesboro/Bulloch County stakeholders; Continue cultivation/strategy meetings with Savannah/Chatham CEOs; Continue programmatic educational development opportunities with Ft. Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield; Engage and steward regional preparedness for Hyundai project. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | These relationships and partnerships continued to be cultivated and strengthened - Q3 focused on current and future prospects including continued strategic community readiness/preparations for the Hyundai Plant. Assessment strategies focused on furthering major projects that have economic impact on local/regional communities. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Performance Excellence and Professional Development: 1. Overall score of Performance Excellence Employee Engagement/Satisfaction Survey (3rd year - spring 2023 - survey results 3.78) 2. Percentage goal of faculty, staff, students participating in professional development. |
Performance Excellence Evidence-based leadership, culture of high performance! Professional Development Q3 Tasks - hold/plan 19th LDI with continued focus on "solving & evolving - working at the speed of business," with a focus on Organizational Effectiveness; communicate improvements and launch EE Survey spring 2024; Continue CMGs; solicit nominees for Performance Excellence Awards; Support Faculty Development Day and Staff Development Day goals; support 4th Department Chair and Director Development retreat. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Completed Q3 identified tasks and progress on stated goals - continued improvement and adaptation. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Community Engagement |
Overall Degrees Conferred (Undergraduate & Graduate) AY2023 Results: 3,942 undergraduate 1,465 graduate (IPEDS) |
Georgia Southern - Wexford Q3 Tasks - Continue support of Wexford Campus with academic program schedule for spring and summer 2024; review final housing design/construction tendering documents and projected renovation budget; and continue cultivation of Irish educational/research partnerships; plan return visit to further opportunities; support Irish delegation for St. Patrick's Day/Savannah. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Completed and continued Q3 tasks - implementation of plans will continue throughout FY24 with Housing agreement targeted for June 2024. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Research & Sponsored Projects: Goal of $38M in total Research Expenditures (NSF HERDS) - FY22 total $36.3M *FY23 total $40.02M (institutional record) |
Regional Academic Plan and Research Opportunity Expansion - Continue progress and development Q3 Tasks - continued further cultivation and expansion of unique public impact research opportunities and Roadmap to R1; support implementation of new Medical School Partnership and implementation of new Phd programs (Engineering & Computing), identify programmatic and physical requirements of Dental School; Support continued expansion of Nursing Cohort and further planning/implementation of PA program; Continue dialogue and work with external partners; finalize academic program timelines; prioritize and enhance academic programs aligned with market and SEP. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Completed and make significant progress on Q3 actions and assessment of expansion/focus of academic programs and public impact research agenda/opportunities. Will be onboarding new VP for Research and Economic Development starting Q4. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Research & Sponsored Projects: Goal of $38M in total Research Expenditures (NSF HERDS) - FY22 total $36.3M *FY23 total $40.02M (institutional record) |
Savannah Logistic Innovation Center (SLIC) Q3 Tasks - support cohort #3. Implement 3-5 year strategic plan for SLIC; further support collaboration w/Plug n Play and additional partners at Coastal Georgia Center; continue work, focus, and stewardship of Savannah Logistics Innovation Consortium and research opportunities; continue cultivation of corporate sponsors; continue work to identify future physical location; further Ed Collaborative work that identify all educational programs that support Logistics/IT tech; further next steps in alignment with Legislative support and economic development; launch project innovation workgroups with Plug n Play to align academic program cross discipline meetings and collaboration to support logistics research agenda. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Completed Q3 identified tasks - supporting SLIC, furthered the identifying of future site, and finalized implementation of 3-5 year Strategic Plan, new business model. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Community Partnerships/Campus Vibrancy - Armstrong/Statesboro/Hinesville - Further explore external community partnerships and campus activation. Q3 Tasks - Further Community Collaboration workgroup efforts (Bulloch County) and work with Joint Development Authority Planning Group on Housing and Childcare Study; further implement and define/focus identify and market for Armstrong and Liberty Campuses; support Deans with community engagement opportunities; continue efforts to support and finalize Blue Mile/Creek Project; support new Hinesville incubator; support third cohort at SLIC (identify site); continue support of JA Discovery Center; further explore Early Learning Center; further explore Dental School partnership. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Made significant progress on identified tasks in Q3 and driving implementation and success of identified projects and strategies. Met with new multi-county organization to align support and effort. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Economic Impact: Sustain regional economic impact of $1 Billion+ from FY2022 study. *$1.03B FY2022 annual economic impact (2nd highest in post consolidation history) |
Major Infrastructure and Facility Projects Q3 Tasks to complete - Continue construction on South Campus, Akins Road Extension Project and remaining portion of road extension to further construction in FY24; Continue Convocation Center project through construction and overall site development; Further renovations of GBI building for Water labs; fundraise and further baseball renovations project; prioritize additional funding opportunities for COB renovation; further define scope of Math/Sciences future large cap. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | Completed and furthered assigned Q3 tasks! |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Economic Impact: Sustain regional economic impact of $1 Billion+ from FY2022 study. *$1.03B FY2022 annual economic impact (2nd highest in post consolidation history) |
Complete and Implement FY25 Institutional Budget Q4 Tasks - Complete and implement FY25 Budget prioritization and strategic implementation of budget reductions due to enrollment decline, FY25 legislative budget return of reductions, and BOR/USG allocation and tuition decisions. Continue internal Critical Hire Process; prepare Large and Small Cap facility projects through BOR process for FY25 and beyond. Communicate updates to all constituencies. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Q4 Actions - Completed and implemented FY25 Budget prioritization process aligned with strategic imperatives and incorporating legislative session and BOR/USG budget decisions and continued to communicate process and all decisions at each level of the institution - posted in the MYGS portal and presented at Far Senate Exec and Staff Council. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Strategic Enrollment Plan Implementation Aligned with Marketing/Branding Q4 Tasks - Support EVP Enrollment, Marketing, Student Success; Support final census reporting for summer 2024 and yield for Fall 2024; Continue assessment (RNL) to further new Strategic Enrollment Plan adapting to current and future market shifts with GPA admission criteria for Fall 2024 and beyond; continue to incorporate NISS assessments and further brand/web redesign assessment with Carnegie; Further incorporate Armstrong strategies and overall graduate student growth expansion plan for all campuses; further implementation of graduate offerings at Ft. Stewart/Hunter with support staff; finalize w/Carnegie brand refresh/marketing update process including target border state markets and specific campus programs aligned with new academic programmatic focus work. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Completed assigned Q4 tasks furthering assessment planning with Strategic Enrollment Plan (SEP), Carnegie brand refresh finalized and website redesign continues in progress. Incorporated into initial institutional strategic planning process. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Faculty and Staff Salary Market Equity - Phase III: Segal salary market equity study updated reflecting 2023 market with goal to maintain 92% of 1st quartile (Staff w/3+ years of service) and 84% of CUPA median for Faculty | Operational Continuous Improvement & Faculty/Staff Market Salary Equity - Finalize launching and assessment of 8 pilot RPA implementations; finalize reviews of Budget Management/Accountant positions; Auxiliary Operational Review/Implementation; and HR Annu Q4 Tasks - continue assessment, implementation, and actions with Budget Implementation and Redirection priorities, continue assessment of Auxiliary Review, continue implementation and assessment of identified RPA pilots, continue assessment of HR Processes (annual evals and hiring); and update efforts of Faculty/Staff Market Equity Salary update now with projected addition of 4% COLA (not to exceed $3,000) setting future goals of salary market equity. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Completed and continued progress of Q4 Actions...assessed readiness and impact of current and future budget implementation due to most recent legislative sessions and BOR/USG actions (tuition/fees), updated salary market equity study updated w/COLA increases, and committed to an additional $557k to bring 177 (faculty and staff) to the entry point of the 17 bands - implementation July 1 (COLA), August 1 (salary market equity increases). |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Brand/Marketing Refresh - Implementation and Assessment Q4 Tasks - Support Enrollment Management, Marketing, Student Success; support Carnegie review, assessment, and final drafts of brand concept, refresh imagery and messaging with new strategies and direction; continue process to Incorporate updated language/design into all marketing and communications - inform and direct messaging in divisional and unit marketing; Align all outcomes with Strategic Enrollment Plan, Comprehensive Capital Campaign and Strategic Communication Plan; assess outcomes; further process of brand refresh throughout FY24 into FY25 aligning RNL and NISS assessment and Carnegie strategies. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Completed actions in Q4 - continued assessment/review/finalization of brand/marketing strategies assessing market response and impact on applications aligned with target markets (top of funnel), website redesign, and media impressions. Alignment of market strategies based on academic program/campus opportunities and finalized brand concept and aligned strategic enrollment plan update and Comprehensive Capital Campaign - informed by assessment of RNL and NISS and implementing Carnegie strategies. Began alignment and planning for institutional strategic plan update. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Fundraising: Achieve $20M-$21.249M in total gifts and pledges (all Foundations) *FY23 total $23.8M (institutional record) |
GaSou Foundation/Advancement - Cultivation of Major Gifts, Campaign Implementation, Donor Stewardship Q4 Tasks - Continue to Cultivate/Solicit identified major gift prospects for Facilities, Programs and Scholarships aligned with Capital Campaign; continue to steward Campaign Steering Committee including implementation of identified marketing materials supporting campaign focus areas; continue organizational assessment and operational improvements. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Assessed progress on identified tasks in Q4, campaign identified goals, increased prospect pipeline, and funds raised. Total gifts and pledges goal of over $20M for FY24...projected outcome June 30, 2024 is $24-25M (institutional record)! |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Continue cultivation of Regional Education Partnership; Network dialogue w/stakeholders – County/City Public School Superintendents, Technical College Presidents (Ogeechee & Savannah), EGSC President, Independent Schools. Q4 Tasks - Chatham County = align work of collaborative to Savannah Harbor Workforce needs; continue focus on building Dual Enrollment market; further develop pipeline strategy implementation for Fall 2024 and beyond; assess impact of Gap Tutoring Program; further develop Early Learning strategies and opportunities; Bulloch County = align work of collaborative to Savannah Harbor Workforce needs; further implement Early Learning/Kindergarten Ready programs and assessment of Early Learning Lab School concept; assess GAP tutoring program; support Pathways to Prosperity; and develop County-wide marketing strategy for educational opportunities. *Align and inform all efforts to Regional Workforce/Talent development needs...support goals of I-16 corridor workforce committees. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Continued work on Q4 tasks furthering development of Early Learning initiatives and assessment/implementation of Summer GAP learning/tutoring program preparing for Summer 2024 expansion. Furthered FAFSA communication strategy/process and Dual Enrollment strategies to help improve yield outcomes for fall 2024 and beyond. Aligning identified efforts with talent/workforce development needs of region. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Performance Excellence and Professional Development: 1. Overall score of Performance Excellence Employee Engagement/Satisfaction Survey (3rd year - spring 2023 - survey results 3.78) 2. Percentage goal of faculty, staff, students participating in professional development. |
Implementation & Assessment of new organizational structure - Org Effectiveness, Leadership Development, and Inclusive Excellence Action Plan Q4 Tasks - Continue support development of new org structure (OELDIE) and the assessment and update of the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan incorporating/aligning BOR Policies and guidelines; Support AVP in assessment and development of updated IE Action Plan beyond 2024 and beyond; Further alignment of the divisional and institutional actions. Continue to support and work with Faculty Senate, Staff Council, SGA, PDAC and PSAC. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Q4 tasks - Completed assigned tasks to support new org structure and updated Inclusive Excellence Action Plan in alignment with BOR/System Policies and guidelines. Continued communication and meetings with all constituents.. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Retention: Freshman class retention - fall 2022 to fall 2023 goal of retention rate at 75% for 2022 cohort - RESULT 77.1% October census 2023! *2020 cohort 72.1% (COVID): 2021 cohort 72% (COVID) |
Continue “Protect Our Nest” – UPD, City, County Sheriff community building and communication plan Q4 Tasks - Continue monthly calls to review and update trends, communication and safety issues; Plan on campus event and focus for spring and summer 2024; Monitor/update FAQs and web landing page with informational videos; Further assess need for technology and develop implementation plan; further assess data dashboards. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Q4 tasks assessed via monthly calls and updates. Continued to provide feedback on opportunities for improvement in communication and community policing efforts. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Student Success - Career Readiness: Median earnings for GaSou graduates employed in the state of Georgia one-year after graduation excluding those who are self-employed, employed by the federal gov/military, and those employed out of state. Current benchmark trends: 2018 class = $41,091 2019 class = $44,282 2020 class = $42,029 2021 class (goal) = $45,000+ |
Continue Cultivation of External Partners - Regional Chambers, County Development Authorities, City Councils/Leadership, County Commissioners, Port Authority, SEDA, Military (Ft. Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield) Q4 Tasks - Further facilitation of Community Planning Group (Bulloch County) and expansion of coordinated efforts/support with new Savannah Harbor I-16 Workforce organization; continue service on Boards (Savannah and Bulloch Chamber, East Georgia Medical, World Trade Center, Georgia Chamber, JA Georgia Board); Cultivate continued relationships with local city councils; Continue to support "vibrant community" efforts with Statesboro/Bulloch County stakeholders; Continue cultivation/strategy meetings with Savannah/Chatham CEOs; Continue programmatic educational development opportunities with Ft. Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield; Engage and steward regional preparedness for Hyundai project. Direct signal points of accountability for major partners. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | These relationships and partnerships continue to be cultivated and strengthened - Q4 actions focused on current and future prospects including continued strategic community readiness/preparations for the Hyundai Plant and other major corporate partners. Assessment strategies focused on furthering major projects that have economic impact on local/regional communities. The Community Planning Group and RISE (multi-county) are progressing. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Performance Excellence and Professional Development: 1. Overall score of Performance Excellence Employee Engagement/Satisfaction Survey (3rd year - spring 2023 - survey results 3.78) 2. Percentage goal of faculty, staff, students participating in professional development. |
Performance Excellence Evidence-based leadership, culture of high performance! Professional Development Q4 Tasks - hold/plan 20th LDI with continued focus on "solving & evolving - working at the speed of business," with a continued focus on innovation and organizational effectiveness; communicate rebrand and SEP priorities; Continue CMGs; Hold University Awards of Excellence Program; Support Faculty Development Day and Staff Development Day goals; support 5th Department Chair and Director Development retreat. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Completed all Q4 identified tasks and progressed on stated goals - continued improvement and adaptation. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Community Engagement |
Overall Degrees Conferred (Undergraduate & Graduate) AY2023 Results: 3,942 undergraduate 1,465 graduate (IPEDS) |
Georgia Southern - Wexford Q4 Tasks - Continue support of Wexford Campus with academic program schedule for late spring and summer 2024; finalize housing design/construction tendering documents and projected renovation budget; and continue cultivation of Irish educational/research partnerships; scheduled visit to further opportunities June 10-15; explore opportunities for downtown site funding. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Completed and continued Q4 tasks - onsite visit and meetings with Wexford County leadership...reviewed construction design drawings and cost estimates - implementation of plans will continue throughout FY25. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Research & Sponsored Projects: Goal of $38M in total Research Expenditures (NSF HERDS) - FY22 total $36.3M *FY23 total $40.02M (institutional record) |
Regional Academic Plan and Research Opportunity Expansion - Continue progress and development Q4 Tasks - Onboard new VP for Research and Economic Development; continue further cultivation and expansion of unique public impact research opportunities and Roadmap to R1; support implementation of new Medical School Partnership and implementation of new Phd programs (Engineering & Computing), identify programmatic and physical requirements of Dental School; Support continued expansion of Nursing Cohort and further planning/implementation of PA program; Continue dialogue and work with external partners; finalize academic program timelines; prioritize and enhance academic programs aligned with market and SEP. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Completed and made progress on Q4 actions and assessment of expansion/focus of academic programs and public impact research agenda/opportunities. Welcomed and onboarded new VP. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Research & Sponsored Projects: Goal of $38M in total Research Expenditures (NSF HERDS) - FY22 total $36.3M *FY23 total $40.02M (institutional record) |
Savannah Logistic Innovation Center (SLIC) Q4 Tasks - Implementation of 3-5 year strategic plan for SLIC; develop and implement business plan to support next iteration of SLIC and additional partners; continue work, focus, and stewardship of Savannah Logistics Innovation Consortium and research opportunities; continue cultivation of corporate sponsors; finalize future physical location; further Ed Collaborative work that identify all educational programs that support Logistics/IT tech; further next steps in alignment with Legislative support and economic development; launch project innovation workgroups to align academic program cross discipline meetings and collaboration to support logistics research agenda. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Completed Q4 identified tasks - continued support of SLIC and decision bring management in-house, continue to identify future site in downtown Savannah, and implementation of 3-5 year Strategic Plan including staffing/management. |
Student Success Teaching and Research Inclusive Excellence Community Engagement |
Total Enrollment (HC): Increase total head count enrollment at all sites to 25,800 (Result - census October 11, 2023 = 26,106) *Total Credits hours will be calculated in early summer 2024 **Fall 2022 results - 25,506 (HC) |
Community Partnerships/Campus Vibrancy - Armstrong/Statesboro/Hinesville - Further explore external community partnerships and campus activation. Q4 Tasks - Further Community Collaboration workgroup efforts (Bulloch County) and work with Joint Development Authority Planning Group on Housing and Childcare Study; further implement and define/focus identify and market for Armstrong and Liberty Campuses; support Deans with community engagement opportunities; continue efforts to support and finalize Blue Mile/Creek Project; support new Hinesville incubator; support third cohort at SLIC (identify site); continue support of JA Discovery Center; further explore Early Learning Center; finalize Dental School partnership. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Made significant progress on identified tasks in Q4 and implementation and success of identified projects and strategies. |
Student Success Operational Efficiency Community Engagement |
Economic Impact: Sustain regional economic impact of $1 Billion+ from FY2022 study. *$1.03B FY2022 annual economic impact (2nd highest in post consolidation history) |
Major Infrastructure and Facility Projects Q4 Tasks to complete - Continue construction on South Campus, Akins Road Extension Project and remaining portion of road extension to further construction in FY24 and FY25; Continue Convocation Center project through construction and overall site development; Plan final phase of GBI building renovations for Water labs; contract design and construction final costs for baseball renovations project; finalize scope and identify additional funding opportunities for COB renovation; further define scope of Math/Sciences future large cap. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Completed and furthered assigned Q4 tasks - on-time and on budget! Received state funding for COB renovation and finalized scope identifying fundraising goal to fully fund. |
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Strategic Pillar | Key Performance Indicator | Task | Status | Quarter | Expected Completion Date |
Assessment |
Student Success | Students will participate in programs and events as tracked by Eagle Engage. In FY 2024, an increase in 3% of unique attendees will be documented through co-curricular engagement. (Baseline Year FY22: 16,880) | Registered Student Organization Visits Shay Little will visit 20 registered student organization meetings and/or activities. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | |
Operational Efficiency | Students will participate in programs and events as tracked by Eagle Engage. In FY 2024, an increase in 3% of unique attendees will be documented through co-curricular engagement. (Baseline Year FY22: 16,880) | FY25 Budget Preparations The Division of Student Affairs will review and finalize the budget proposal for FY25 engaging Student Affairs Leadership Team members. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | Complete budget preparation documents. |
Operational Efficiency | Students will participate in programs and events as tracked by Eagle Engage. In FY 2024, an increase in 3% of unique attendees will be documented through co-curricular engagement. (Baseline Year FY22: 16,880) | Student Fees Business Case Develop a business case to outline the challenges of the current fee structure including inflation impacts and personnel costs. Use business case to inform discussions with the mandatory student fees committee about the FY25 mandatory fees proposal. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/30/2023 | |
Students will participate in programs and events as tracked by Eagle Engage. In FY 2024, an increase in 3% of unique attendees will be documented through co-curricular engagement. (Baseline Year FY22: 16,880) | Student Activities Fees Committee Develop the plan for engagement with the Student Activity Fees Committee per USG policy and GS policy. Appoint all committee members as appropriate, establish meeting times, and meeting all USG reporting deadlines. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/01/2023 | Complete documents with the student committee for USG mandatory fees review. | |
FY25 Budget Preparations Complete the FY25 budget preparation document as outlined by the President. Complete meetings with each division unit to review requests and align budget needs with university strategic plan. |
Completed | Q2 | 11/01/2023 | Complete spreadsheet as distributed by the President. | ||
Student Success Operational Efficiency |
Student Activities Fees Request Process LaShai Campbell, Business Manager, and Vice President Shay Little will reimagine the student activity fees request process. This process will be updated to reflect the current status of projected activity fees available in FY25. This process will also incorporate a review of each program's use of Eagle Engage documenting student engagement in programs supported by the student activity fees. The process will be ready to communicate to the campus by December 22. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/22/2023 | The outlined process is communicated to key stakeholders to support the student activities fees request process in Spring 2024. | |
Operational Efficiency | Emergency Management: Mass Care Plan Collaborate with Erick Reiner to develop and review the Mass Care plan for GS. |
In Progress | Q2 | 12/01/2023 | Complete details of the mass care plan for the GS community. | |
Students will participate in programs and events as tracked by Eagle Engage. In FY 2024, an increase in 3% of unique attendees will be documented through co-curricular engagement. (Baseline Year FY22: 16,880) | Student Engagement Review Ken Gassiot, Associate Vice President for Student Development, along with Vice President Shay Little will review the status of student engagement using Eagle Engage for Fall 2023 semester. The review will include number of programs, number of unique attendees, total number of attendees, and documentation of student success data such as GPA, credit hours enrolled, assigned college. This review will also assess progress to student engagement scorecard items (i.e., unique attendees, total attendees). |
Completed | Q2 | 12/22/2023 | Fall 2023 Eagle Engage Summary Report | |
Students who receive services at the Counseling Center will experience symptom remission/improvement at a rate that is equivalent to the mean rate of change for Counseling Center clients nationwide. (Baseline year FY21: GS Counseling Center clients showed greater clinical improvement than 81.5 - 99.5% of university counseling center clients nationwide well above the mean rate of change, which is 50%.) |
Mental Health Services Engagement Dashboard Jodi Caldwell, Executive Director of the Counseling Center, along with Vice President Shay Little will complete the dashboard of mental health services and review student engagement of services managed by the Counseling Center and Christie Campus Health. |
Completed | Q2 | 12/22/2023 | Completed summary document for critical KPIs in Counseling Center services delivery. | |
Student Success | Students will participate in programs and events as tracked by Eagle Engage. In FY 2024, an increase in 3% of unique attendees will be documented through co-curricular engagement. (Baseline Year FY22: 16,880) | Student Organization Visits Attend no less than 20 student organization meetings and/or events at the beginning of the fall term. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | |
Operational Efficiency | Student affairs units will assess the student learning outcomes (SLOs) for their programs and services. Each unit will revise/modify programs and services to increase student learning based on the assessment results. (Baseline Year FY22) |
NASPA Georgia Drive-In Workshop Host the NASPA Georgia Drive-In Workshop on the Armstrong Campus February 1-2, 2024. Fund registration fees for host committee and others in the division attending the workshop. |
Completed | Q3 | 02/16/2024 | |
New students who attend university events will report a higher sense of belonging. (Baseline FY21: Climate Study Sense of Belonging Scale Mean Score 3.472) | Student Activity Fees Allocation LaShai Campbell, Business Manager, and Vice President Shay Little will initiate and lead the student activity fees request process. This process will be updated to reflect the current status of projected activity fees available in FY24. This process will also incorporate a review of each program's use of Eagle Engage documenting student engagement in programs supported by the student activity fees. The process will be ready to communicate to the campus by January 12. |
In Progress | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | The OVPSA will maintain records of the committee recommendations for student activities fees allocations for FY25. | |
Student affairs units will assess the student learning outcomes (SLOs) for their programs and services. Each unit will revise/modify programs and services to increase student learning based on the assessment results. (Baseline Year FY22) |
Employee Evaluations Complete the employee evaluation process for direct reports. |
Completed | Q3 | 02/29/2024 | ||
Students who receive services at the Counseling Center will experience symptom remission/improvement at a rate that is equivalent to the mean rate of change for Counseling Center clients nationwide. (Baseline year FY21: GS Counseling Center clients showed greater clinical improvement than 81.5 - 99.5% of university counseling center clients nationwide well above the mean rate of change, which is 50%.) |
Healthy Minds Study With the leadership of Dr. Jodi Caldwell, coordinate the Healthy Minds Study in February 2024. The study is the follow-up of the assessment of the Healthy Minds Study in 2020. This is part of the University System of Georgia's Mental Health Initiative. |
Completed | Q3 | 02/29/2024 | GS will receive the full results of the Healthy Minds Study. | |
Operational Efficiency | Students will participate in programs and events as tracked by Eagle Engage. In FY 2024, an increase in 3% of unique attendees will be documented through co-curricular engagement. (Baseline Year FY22: 16,880) | Student Activity Fees Allocation Finalize the allocation of FY25 Student Activities Fees. Review requests and notify programs of allocations. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/03/2024 | |
Student Success | Students will participate in programs and events as tracked by Eagle Engage. In FY 2024, an increase in 3% of unique attendees will be documented through co-curricular engagement. (Baseline Year FY22: 16,880) | Eagle Engage Data Review Review FY24 Eagle Engage student engagement data and identify strategies to increase student engagement and maximize utilization in the Eagle Engage platform. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | |
New students who attend university events will report a higher sense of belonging. (Baseline FY21: Climate Study Sense of Belonging Scale Mean Score 3.472) | Employee Engagement Action Plan Complete the Division of Student Affairs employee engagement action plan |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Submit action plan in Performance Excellence tile in MyGS. | |
Community Engagement | New students who attend university events will report a higher sense of belonging. (Baseline FY21: Climate Study Sense of Belonging Scale Mean Score 3.472) | CREST Leadership Program Prepare plan for Division of Student Affairs leadership program for FY25 with Jodi Kennedy. Plan all meetings and program outcomes. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Create full program plan, learning outcomes, and meeting plans. |
Student Success | Undergraduate students will attend at least 10 events (as recorded in Eagle Engage) in the 2023-2024 academic year. The number of students attending at least 10 events will increase in FY24 by 3%. | Strategic Enrollment Plan Co curricular Iniatiatives The Division of Student Affairs will identify key strategies to serve Online Campus students and provide co curricular opportunities. A group will identify current practices as well as needed strategies to support an enhanced Online Campus student experience at GS. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | Develop Online Campus co curricular strategy. |
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Strategic Pillar | Key Performance Indicator | Task | Status | Quarter | Expected Completion Date |
Assessment |
Operational Efficiency | Total amount of cash, pledges, and in kind gifts to Georgia Southern University. |
Georgia Southern University Foundation Audit |
Completed | Q1 | 09/15/2023 | |
Operational Efficiency | Total amount of cash, pledges, and in kind gifts to Georgia Southern University. |
Georgia Southern University Athletic Foundation Audit |
Completed | Q1 | 09/15/2023 | |
Operational Efficiency | Total amount of cash, pledges, and in kind gifts to Georgia Southern University. |
Joint Boards Retreat |
Completed | Q1 | 09/01/2023 | |
Operational Efficiency | Total amount of cash, pledges, and in kind gifts to Georgia Southern University. |
Finalize Launch Event |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | |
Operational Efficiency | Total amount of cash, pledges, and in kind gifts to Georgia Southern University. |
Website Refresh Develop new website. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | |
Student Success | Total amount of cash, pledges, and in kind gifts to Georgia Southern University. |
Raise $5,000,000 Raise a minimum $5,000,000. |
Completed | Q1 | 09/29/2023 | |
Student Success | Total amount of cash, pledges, and in kind gifts to Georgia Southern University. |
Raise $5,000,000 Raise a minimum $5,000,000. |
Completed | Q2 | 09/29/2023 | |
Student Success | Total scholarship awarded by the Georgia Southern University Foundation. | Georgia Southern University Foundation Fall Board meeting and Audit Required Fall meeting for the GSUF board and presentation of the Audit. |
Completed | Q2 | 11/17/2023 | |
Student Success | Total need based and gap funding provided by Georgia Southern University foundations. | Georgia Southern University Foundation Election of new members and new officers. |
Completed | Q2 | 11/17/2023 | |
Student Success | Total amount of cash, pledges, and in kind gifts to Georgia Southern University. |
Raise $5,000,000 Raise a minimum $5,000,000. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | |
Student Success | Total number of unique donors by alumni to Georgia Southern University. | Launch Giving Day Launch first giving day for GS. |
Completed | Q3 | 03/27/2024 | |
Student Success | Total amount of cash, pledges, and in kind gifts to Georgia Southern University. |
Georgia Southern University Foundation 990 |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | |
Student Success | Total amount of cash, pledges, and in kind gifts to Georgia Southern University. |
Georgia Southern University Athletic Foundation 990 |
Completed | Q3 | 03/31/2024 | |
Student Success | Total amount of cash, pledges, and in kind gifts to Georgia Southern University. |
Raise $5,000,000 Raise a minimum $5,000,000. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | |
Student Success | Total amount of cash, pledges, and in kind gifts to Georgia Southern University. |
Georgia Southern University Foundation Budget |
Completed | Q4 | 05/17/2024 | |
Student Success | Total amount of cash, pledges, and in kind gifts to Georgia Southern University. |
Georgia Southern University Athletic Foundation Budget |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | |
Operational Efficiency | Total need based and gap funding provided by Georgia Southern University foundations. | Pouring Rights Negotiate Pouring Rights with new contract. |
Completed | Q4 | 06/30/2024 | |
Operational Efficiency | Total amount of cash, pledges, and in kind annual gifts (less than $25,000 each) to the Georgia Southern University Foundation. | Annual Fund evaluation Reevaluate our Annual Fund model within UA. |
Completed | Q4 | 05/17/2024 |